Bloody idjit

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Just seen a post on Facebook from the snowdonia mountain rescue team , this morning they were called out to a Birmingham based photographer that had got stuck in a gully . After the checks for covid19 he was brought down to the road and given a good talking to , the response was did they know where he could go tomorrow morning for a good photo

The Mind totally boggles .. just hope it’s no one from here ... especially as one member has already expressed the desire to come to north wales .see virus thread

UPDATE ON THIS just seen that snowdonia national park is now being totally closed down all car parks sealed off and if needed off road parking stopped to .. stay home
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All the parks and reserves (and local authority car parks) on Anglesey have all been closed. Shame people couldn't use them responsibly as now those of who tried to are being punished as well......
I agree, we went out yesterday to a large wood and people were taking no notice of safe distances. Every time it was my wife and I who had to force our way into the undergrowth to get out of people's way. Today we went to a smaller wooded park and the people there were being sensible except for one idiot. We moved off the path to let 4 people by and he came over to us, we backed away and he just came closer and asked how to get to the moated house. I just told him to keep away and continue where he was heading, my wife said that I should have coughed all over him :)
Still I'm over 70 now so I must be surplus to requirements
If these people don't start being sensible the Gov't will step in and that will spoil any chance of outdoor pursuits. The guidance is clear and if we stick to it we will be ok outdoors. It was the same for our (Wife and I) Saturday walk around the local Reservoir we were the only ones avoiding others. Here on Dartmoor yesterday it was like a Bank Holiday cars everywhere even just on the road. Annoying................
We were due to have a week in North Wales in May but our booking has been "postponed". Not that I'm surprised, most of the party (about 10) are over 50, some over 60...
It was Ogwen Valley MR who cover Tryfan...

Callout 28: 23 Mar - Tryfan.
Just after 0830 this morning a male rang to say he was stuck on the west face of Tryfan. Dressed in jeans and trainers he had travelled up earlier this morning from Birmingham and had climbed Tryfan to take photographs of Llyn Bochlwyd or Idwal (It's hard to say as he had no map to relate to). He attempted to descend the west face but became stuck, wet and cold, in one of the gullies and called for help. Once the by now familiar Covid 19 checks had been established a team lead climbed up to him and made him safe. They conducted a multi pitch lower to safe ground and he was confidence roped back down to the roadside and spoken to. Unbelievably, he asked where he should go tomorrow to get some good photos but was advised he should maybe go home instead.

BMC have now issued this:
It was Ogwen Valley MR who cover Tryfan...

Callout 28: 23 Mar - Tryfan.
Just after 0830 this morning a male rang to say he was stuck on the west face of Tryfan. Dressed in jeans and trainers he had travelled up earlier this morning from Birmingham and had climbed Tryfan to take photographs of Llyn Bochlwyd or Idwal (It's hard to say as he had no map to relate to). He attempted to descend the west face but became stuck, wet and cold, in one of the gullies and called for help. Once the by now familiar Covid 19 checks had been established a team lead climbed up to him and made him safe. They conducted a multi pitch lower to safe ground and he was confidence roped back down to the roadside and spoken to. Unbelievably, he asked where he should go tomorrow to get some good photos but was advised he should maybe go home instead.

BMC have now issued this:
yep thats the one ..
Car parks at popular sites over here have had to be manned by Police, sending the throngs of people arriving back where they came from.

Even just more locally people are not getting the message. I went for a cycle down by the river earlier today, needed to get out the house for an hour. I reckoned there'd be nobody down there bar the odd solo dog walker or jogger - how wrong I was! I came across groups of 6+ [seemed to be a couple of families that met up for a day out] with multiple dogs to boot ... they weren't trying to keep any kind of distance from one another, let alone the rest of the hoardes of people that were strolling the place like it was your average Bank Holiday in better times.
Leave him there, he's really dumb going for bimble up Tryfan with no gear. Tough times call for tough measures.

Jeff sadly there is a whole swath of our society simply not getting the seriousness of this virus, for those that might be vunerable.

I really think our gov does need to lock us down,it's all too slow mate Did anyone see that Dr talking about rate of spread, on TV last night One case over ten generations of infection of flu at a rate of transmission of 1.4 means 14 folks get the flu . One case at the higher rate of 3 which covid 19 seems to be running equates to 59000 folks potentially infected over ten gens. (someone correct me if i'm wrong I'm sure that's what he said) It's staggering. If that is correct locking us down is the best thing that can happen and it needs doing fast.

Mate a silly tog getting trapped needs a bloody slap, then a talking to and then educating that's one thing...........

I'm seeing site managers turn in with the virus guys that come into contact with hundreds of construction workers...3 cases 5 sites 5 days 4 of those sites I work at. I've refused to go back to one already second was a mates site third at work today No hand sanitizer provided on any of those sites. One area per site where I can wash my hands with running water I've been working maybe 1/2 a mile from that all day ,we have porta loos ,which are largely a disgrace. No hand sanitzer as of yet in any I work on me own, buddy, thank god !! I use the stuff anyway as we have animals Ha all I can smell is alcohol sanitizer from the amount I've used to day. UGG!!

I can sort of cope with bloody idjits mate ,they will always be that and to be totally honest we all are bloody idjits at times. :LOL: I'm bloody struggling with the total and utter disregard for a massive workforce by an industry that pays their gaffers bonuses of millions money is the talker here . . Not others that might be vunerable

Mate I buggered up one of your threads before apologies if I've gone off on one again I don't mean no ill ,I'm seething and terrified by what i'm seeing mate,as I say I half expected the world and his wife to say right lets go to a mountain sunday was glorious some sod would always get stuck in those types of numbers they always do .The worry is as all those folk they turned up saw the morrass and didn't bugger off elsewhere .

We are going to take a kicking here Jeff, too little too late:mad:

take care

TBH folks, the feckwit from Brum that got stuck should have been left there, gene pool would be better for the loss. If we don't man up to this thing it will win, no way that should happen. I'm seething with the new extra control the Gov't has been forced to impose, the 2 things I like to do that affect no-one are motorcycling and landscape photography neither of which I can now do because of there feckwits. Suffice to say I am beside myself with anger but will comply. Best I never meet the shet-fer-brains that got rescued.....................

Apologies for the implied profanity but I feel strongly. Rant over. Stay safe folks we'll get through this if we adhere to expert advice and Gov't intervention.
No problem stu , tbh I’m s*** scared due to age and health plus so many f***wits around .. as you say to little to late ..tonight’s broadcast was once again to ambiguous and looking at Facebook everyone is coming up with a version to suit themselves .and there own situation . He should have declared Marshall law ,we dont have a strong enough police force even if combined with armed forces to cope once trouble kicks off and it will . The next few weeks will be a testing time .
No problem stu , tbh I’m s*** scared due to age and health plus so many f***wits around .. as you say to little to late ..tonight’s broadcast was once again to ambiguous and looking at Facebook everyone is coming up with a version to suit themselves .and there own situation . He should have declared Marshall law ,we dont have a strong enough police force even if combined with armed forces to cope once trouble kicks off and it will . The next few weeks will be a testing time .

Totally agree Jeff, martial law should have been imposed, along with corporal punishment. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to see local militia forming to protect vulnerable communities if it all does go to Hell in handcart. Hope it doesn't though.

Then should`nt you be self-isolating??
Who should self-isolate?
Everyone who shows coronavirus symptoms - a fever of above 37.8C, a persistent cough or breathing problem - and everyone who lives in the same house or flat as someone with symptoms.
Do we really need to be told to take simple steps to reduce the spread of this? It appears so. I do think it's sad that intelligence and common sense seem to be out the window and that people seem to need to be treated like naughty children.

On a related note the knee jerk social media society we seem to have now seem to react as follows...

"He hasn't shut the schools! My God. The idiot! They should be shut immediately!"
"He's shut the schools! My God. The idiot! Does he realise the effect this will have!"

Repeat for shutting shops, cancelling sporting events etc...
Do we really need to be told to take simple steps to reduce the spread of this? It appears so. I do think it's sad that intelligence and common sense seem to be out the window and that people seem to need to be treated like naughty children.

On a related note the knee jerk social media society we seem to have now seem to react as follows...

"He hasn't shut the schools! My God. The idiot! They should be shut immediately!"
"He's shut the schools! My God. The idiot! Does he realise the effect this will have!"

Repeat for shutting shops, cancelling sporting events etc...
trouble is on social media and to a degree even on here you still have the anti Brexit brigade and labour supporters spreading there point of view to gain brownie points .. me I'm jet washing acres of decking in the back garden
trouble is on social media and to a degree even on here you still have the anti Brexit brigade and labour supporters spreading there point of view to gain brownie points .. me I'm jet washing acres of decking in the back garden

I've heard the cancel Brexit argument and for a millisecond it astonished me.

I will defend Labour supporters for a second as I used to be one and I was one for a very long time, it's just the current crop I can't support. That may change with time.

On a more serious note, I do think that social media and of course the wider more conventional media is perhaps too influential and as we saw with Brexit and the last election the views expressed on these platforms may be insular, self supporting and out of step with the views and opinions of wider society.

What we do about this I don't know but I fear that the bubble and knee jerk opinions we see on the net and in the media may only grow in influence over time, if nothing changes, and I do find that a little scary.
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or those over 70 as they are much more at risk.
Latest government advice:
We are advising those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.

This group includes those who are:

  • aged 70 or older (regardless of medical conditions)
Extract from

So it is stringent social distancing not self isolation. The problem is that I can be stringent but some other people cannot.
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So it is stringent social distancing not self isolation. The problem is that I can be stringent but some other people cannot.

Having just had to pop down the shop I can say that it seems to be the older generation that isn't being stringent.
Younger people were giving each other space, a couple of older people on separate parts just push past through any gap
rather then wait a few seconds
Well did my 1 daily exercise, cycling today.

Went past one building site and 5 guys around a hole but think they have had the message to be within 2 metres rather than 2 metres apart. All had high viz on though
Jeff cheers for the kindly reply,the three ladies I love most mum sis and my darling all in the vunerable cat, I know you are an older gent mate, I'm not surprised you are concerned. Guys in the company I work for are dropping like flies according to a manager,thank god they have stopped us as of tonight. But to me the damage is already done I hope I'm wrong bro and preying I haven't brought it home.............. There is no provision for us yet from the gov but I'd rather take my chances with poverty than risk spreading this to our vunerable

Two sites today still no hand sanitizer . What a surprise :banghead:
Unfortunately common sense seems to be far less common than many of us would hope!
I suspect it always has been. Years ago I looked up the source of the phrase in a library (remember those?) and it went something like...
  • "Sense of fitness" appears to have been an 18th century usage for someone who behaved well and was particularly applied to members of the upper class.
  • "Uncommon good sense of fitness" seems to have been a development of the earlier phrase to bestow special praise and became common towards the end of the 18th century.
  • "Uncommon good sense" was then derived to describe an all round sensible person who assessed situations well, especially a lower class person such as a gamekeeper or gardener. This became frequent usage in the mid 19th century.
  • "common sense" then appeared as an abreviation for the earlier phrase towards the end of the 19th century. Taken literally it inverts the earlier meaning.
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Totally agree Jeff, martial law should have been imposed, along with corporal punishment. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to see local militia forming to protect vulnerable communities if it all does go to Hell in handcart. Hope it doesn't though.


Lockdown or will take you down.

Brilliant, if only our Cops could get away with that it'd teach these idiots some manners.

No holds barred policing. Only way to do it, take them down quick. In Britain if the police don't ask nicely and say thank you the bleeding heart brigade finds something to complain about.
Not sure if it's already been in another thread but some moronic photographers and bird fans drove from all over the country to Gloucestershire to see some bird. Absolutely unbelievable:mad:

No holds barred policing. Only way to do it, take them down quick. In Britain if the police don't ask nicely and say thank you the bleeding heart brigade finds something to complain about.
Whilst you have a point going too far that way ends up with a police state. You have to remember this is supposed to be Great Britain not Germany in the 1930's.... ;)
Whilst you have a point going too far that way ends up with a police state. You have to remember this is supposed to be Great Britain not Germany in the 1930's.... ;)
Maybe a temporary police state wouldn't be a bad thing in these circumstances.
I think with a little common sense towards rough justice it could work. Here the rough and ready approach would probably lead to the police being suspended and possibly dismissed and no doubt there'd be a hefty compo claim from the victim but in reality I doubt the idiot in question suffered any real physical injury beyond dented pride. So a good result all round :D But it couldn't happen here with our I know my rights, snowflake and compensation culture.
I think with a little common sense towards rough justice it could work. Here the rough and ready approach would probably lead to the police being suspended and possibly dismissed and no doubt there'd be a hefty compo claim from the victim but in reality I doubt the idiot in question suffered any real physical injury beyond dented pride. So a good result all round :D But it couldn't happen here with our I know my rights, snowflake and compensation culture.
I know, they're already moaning because the police used a drone to check for walkers on the moors flouting the lockdown...