Blue Eyes

I don't know anything about the technical side of things. But I like this shot. Very mysterious looking. I would like to see her though with normal eyes just to see the difference.
Hi kris

You may get more replies if you
A, put the photo up in the forum instead of a link to flickr

B, give the regulars a little more time to finish watching corrie ect :)

As for me I don't comment often but I will say I like the picture but the colour popped blue eyes don't really do it for me. And also the blue seems to have bled into the white of the eye.

Would be nice to see it just black and white I think.

And btw welcome :)
Cheers guys,

Not a corrie fan so didn't realise, lesson learned.

The blue eyes is because Jamila (the subject and my fiance) is half Iraqi and has very Arabic features, but quite piercing blue eyes. Something the family speaks of often, so wanted to almost over emphasize it. As for the bleeding colour, what can I say, I'm in my 3rd month of photography lol.

Thanks for the comments guys, love you forum and hope to be able to post pics on a par with everyone else soon. :love:
Ooh I can help you there. Just sign up for imageshack and upload your picture and it will give you a website code. Let me know if I can help more.
Flickr has the codes as well.

If you have a look at the information area of the forum under FAQ it's been covered loads. Real easy to do from Flickr I'm on my phone so not sure how to link.


On another note i think the eyes would stand out wether in a full colour image or just b&w. But completely appreciate what you are trying to achieve. :)
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Hi, Karl, I quite like SC but feel this would be a stronger photograph without it. SC, for me, is quite a humorous technique but I feel this is a rather serious/mysterious photograph.

Have you got the full B&W?

Much prefer the full colour one - great photo. Very intense
I prefer the full colour one. Love the little sparkle from the catchlights in the eyes as well. A job well done. :)
B&W for me- lovely shot :clap: and as for help- I think youre doing just fine buddy

Les (y)
Hi Kris, for me it's the B&W photo. It's a stunning image in any process, so mono is just my personal preference. If this is what you're producing after just 3 months, please let's see some more..xx
Colour for me on this one. Fantastic how the tones match and compliment each other.
I think the depth of field is very good. Draws you down the street without taking away from the lady.
I much prefer the colour version, it's a great shot, though in my opinion it would have been better had there been slightly more space below the face, so the eyes were higher up in the frame.
Kris, yep some really nice photos there. I prefer the colour version of the original post and for me the last one works well with the flare (y)
The last one does it for me too! Really like that one! as for the B&W/colour debate I personally prefer the colour!
Keep up the good work! I'd be impressed if these were mine!!
Oh I see Joe. Soz I'm a bit slow on the uptake!

Thanks for looking Darren, I really like the original too, but wish i'd done a better job editing it!
Hi Kris very good for 3 months experience. Took me about 15 years to get so far. I think the first image would benefit from having the light wall on the RH side removed, Try covering it with your hand, the woman becomes much more the focus of the picture. The colour version looks a little over saturated to me. Not keen on the other images sorry.
Hi Kris,

Have you tried slightly desaturating the original colour image rather than converting it to B&W then using SC on the eyes as you did in the 1st image you posted?

Your doing well, keep up the good work.
