Wild Blue Tit on the Blossom

Nice to see Gav.

Any signs of a nest near you yet? We have a pair checking out a box that I changed the angle on this year.
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I changed our nestbox to north east facing, from south, seems to have done the trick.
Lovely detail Gav :)

We have a pair checking out a box that I changed the angle on this year.
Now with it's back to the prevailing winds?
Now with it's back to the prevailing winds?

It was kinda that way Chris, it was facing south east, ish, the back of it was against a slatted fence. We get big westerly winds here and they would blow through the slats and almost across the opening of the box.

I've now got it almost 90 degrees to the way it was, on the side of a shed, which provides shelter from the westerly winds.

The BTs are checking it out, although I don't think they've settled on it yet. Rome wasn't built in a day though so we'll see. (y)

(sorry for the slight derail Gav).
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Wow, that blossom is out early! We only have buds at the moment.
Two "Excellent" wildlife style captures Gav, with some fine detail.
Number 1 for me, Gav but both lovely. Great to get it on the blossom too, really enhances the photo.
Lovely pictures Gav. If forced to pick one my choice would be No.1. Well done for them both. Great colours and detail :D