Bluesmachine's photo52 2011 (Up to date now)

Well, the ONLY thing I can think of, even after asking pretty much everyone I come across, is a bubble bath, lots of those little candles around the bath.

Not sure I want to spend about £10 for one or two throw away shots that may or may not work though. Lighting is going to be a major problem as I don't own a flash.

Found this though :D
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H, there, I'm sure I've commented on your latest set....:thinking:, must have forgotten to click "Submit reply"!!

Anyway, Pain, nice idea and I like the colouring. Bit close at the bottom. That is one razor thin DOF...:eek:

Bright, hhmmmm, doesn't really scream bright, but I do like glowing (bright?) topping.

Rescue, it has the element of rescue. I'd like to see the AA man in the photograph...

Cheers and good look with the bubble bath...:puke:
I was actually planning on getting my mate who works in the AA to do a photo shoot, but he tells me they're not allowed to be in the photos. It could be that he was actually on duty at the time though. Just by happy coincidence my mums car broke down, so he popped up.
Ah well, I've just had to spend £500 on payday on a new router, monitor and 2nd battery for my new 60D, so I've got no money to waste on a poor effort on this weeks theme.

As a result I'll play a joker and post this:

Yummy pork pie by Niall Allen, on Flickr

I'm still having a bit of trouble with my 60D, and unless it's good lighting, this thing seems to pick up noise far more than the 30D did, which is extremely annoying as that's the reason I upgraded. Not sure what's going on there, but as I shoot in RAW I'm a bit stumped at the mo. Ah well, you live and learn. Maybe I should have waited for the 5DmkIII after all. Anyway, this is my cat Dexter. I wandered around following him for half an hour, the other day (much to his annoyance). I've got some others but they all suffer from noise issues, so are a let down really. To tell the truth, I'm baffled, although I assume it's something to do with the MP increase from 30D to 60D. Bah, who cares, I'll just have to buy a flash in two months!

Oh, please click through to the lightbox version on Flickr. It looks so much better than that link above.

Also, I seem to have lost the ability to edit the first post, so I can't change the title.
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Is that...a shallow DOF....;)

Like it, nice low angle and it looks very sharp.

Nice catch with the tongue.

Just the cropped pie and tail as critique.

Pity it's 00:22 because I reealllly want a pork pie...:crying:

Hi Niall,

Lucky Dexter getting pork pies :LOL:

Nice kitty, not sure about the background, but guess there isn't much you could do about that, at least you got a shallow DOF to blur it slightly.

Sorry to hear about your troubles with the camera. I just recently bought a 30D from a TP member, it arrived yesterday and has a 50mm prime. I also bought a Sigma 50-200mm F4-5.6 DC OS this week ... kind of a treat to myself seeing as it is my b/day next week :D So I have been playing with my new toys .... still trying to get the hang of the 30D as the controls/buttons/knobs etc are all in different places to my 1000D.

BTW I clicked on the link and had a peek at the other photos of Dexter on Flickr and I think the B&W Dexter could work as a sensual shot for this week (nice photo that).

Anywayz, hope you get your camera figured soon. It's not anything to do with your ISO settings that is causing the noise?


Dawn :)
Hi Niall,

Lucky Dexter getting pork pies :LOL:

Nice kitty, not sure about the background, but guess there isn't much you could do about that, at least you got a shallow DOF to blur it slightly.

Sorry to hear about your troubles with the camera. I just recently bought a 30D from a TP member, it arrived yesterday and has a 50mm prime. I also bought a Sigma 50-200mm F4-5.6 DC OS this week ... kind of a treat to myself seeing as it is my b/day next week :D So I have been playing with my new toys .... still trying to get the hang of the 30D as the controls/buttons/knobs etc are all in different places to my 1000D.

BTW I clicked on the link and had a peek at the other photos of Dexter on Flickr and I think the B&W Dexter could work as a sensual shot for this week (nice photo that).

Anywayz, hope you get your camera figured soon. It's not anything to do with your ISO settings that is causing the noise?


Dawn :)

Oddly enough, the B&W photo was the one I posted first, then changed my mind. I had the same thought, although it isn't the best of photos when you look at it closer. The processing I used has done something weird to the shadow in the room in the background on it. I think I'll invest in a 430EX soon. It's about time I learned to use flashes. I might buy a smaller flash to, to play with off flash too.

This shot was in the kitchen and the house has mess everywhere at the moment, but it would have been shallow anyway, as I'm addicted to 1.4 DoF :D
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Hi mate... sorry i've not dropped by for a while! I LOVE your rescue shot... Kinda sense of drama going on there and it feels like there is a rescue going on!

As for the cat shot... I love the picture... but I cant fathom out why the fact you've had to spend that money negates you from taking a pic for the theme?

I like the background of the cat pic... It's real and as is in the kitchen... sometimes in photos we should just catch it as it is... and not worry too much about backgrounds... the subject is well caught... I am not a cat fan... but I love this pic
Thanks for all the positive and constructive replies. I don't know why or how, but I didn't seem to check my own thread, with all the emailed forum responses I'm subscribed to :D

As for the cat shot... I love the picture... but I cant fathom out why the fact you've had to spend that money negates you from taking a pic for the theme?

I'd rather not have to go out and spend money on something that won't be used again, just for a forum photography photo! Mainly though, I had to spend £120 on a new router as my internet connection is terrible, and I HOPE that's the solution. I also bought a new 27" monitor so I could get more accuracy for photography processing/appreciation. Also I've just been to London to see B.B.King in the Royal Albert Hall, and that cost me a small fortune, getting there, hotel, train, ticket, etc :D
Hi Niall

what a beautiful cat (y) Great DOF ,eye's pin sharp & great sheen to his coat .Took a peek at your flickr shot & I think Dawn's right...the B&W capture is simply wonderful & would have worked for Sensual :)