Bluesmachine's photo52 2011 (Up to date now)

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Hello, I'm relatively new to posting around here (long time lurker, etc), and now having my Sigma 50 1.4 and my Canon 70-200F4 I have no excuse not to take better photos. To spur me on (sort of a new years resolution) I've decided to throw my hat in to the ring and give this a go, which will force me to get out more.

I'll have to take my kit with me to work tomorrow and run around town in my lunch break for the next couple of days as it's dark when I go to work, and when I come home at the moment :(

Don't expect much as I'm not that good, and am already panicking!
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accommodation by Niall Allen, on Flickr

In all honesty, I'm not totally happy with the processing on this conversion. My eyes are really tired after a day in front of a monitor at work, and this looks either too blue or green (can't make my mind up!) and a bit too clinical looking, which detracts from the welcoming feel I was hoping to get.

I may post a re-process tomorrow if I can figure out a way of improving that. You'd be surprised at how little there is in Wrexham town centre to find for this theme during a 30 minute lunch break!
Hi Niall that's a great image - especially if you just grabbed it in your lunch break:)
I like the composition, and the bench and old buildings go well together.

I agree that the B+W conversion isn't quite right. Could we see the original?
I like the image too... Im doing a 52 but dont tend to get the chance to even grab images in my lunch! Im not doing the themed 52 as the having to shoot to fit into a theme would be too much... Just doing my own thing as feel im more likely to succeed that way!

I think the image might have been better a little closser in and at a wider angle of view... But i dont mind the processing too much... Maybe make it a little sharper and contrasty!
Thanks :)

You're right about the contrast (at least I think so). I prefer a darker style of shot (for this image), and I've been tinkering with some presets I've got in Lightroom with it too and it seems to work better that way.

I was talking about the angle of the shot on another forum with someone. This image is taken on the grounds of the parish church in Wrexham town centre, and I couldn't move backwards or I'd be standing on grave stones, and if I move to the right to get a better angle (and give me the opportunity of cloning the bin out!) I then am overlooking a garden to the left which was scruffy looking and full of smoke as they were burning rubbish at the time. The image is also cropped slightly on the left to remove a part of the window as I felt it gave the image more of a feel of a larger home that way (and looked neater).

One other thing (if you're not bored already :D) is there were some cables running over the front of the building that I've cloned out as it made it look more like a shop, and less inviting.

I'll have a look for the RAW file later and have another go. I forgot to rename it and it's hidden away in all my other things :D

accommodation2 by Niall Allen, on Flickr

There we go, a slightly re-processed shot. I still can't find the RAW file so I can't upload the original. I've only got the clean JPG. I hope I haven't deleted it off my card before backing it up :nuts:
I like the image too... Im doing a 52 but dont tend to get the chance to even grab images in my lunch! Im not doing the themed 52 as the having to shoot to fit into a theme would be too much... Just doing my own thing as feel im more likely to succeed that way!

I think the image might have been better a little closser in and at a wider angle of view... But i dont mind the processing too much... Maybe make it a little sharper and contrasty!

I know what you mean. I thought I'd do it though as it should force me to try things I normally wouldn't. Not out of being stubborn or anything, I just get stuck in my way of viewing things. I often wander around looking at things as if I've got my 50mm on a camera in front of me :D
Hiya Niall

Well done on your start of this 52.

I like the composition of your photo and have to say I prefer the re-processed one as it seems to take it to another time/era. I think the whites are a bit too bright though.

Good start and good luck with the rest of the project.


Dawn :)
Hmm you're right. I honestly hadn't noticed that after reprocessing! I may have a tinker after work tomorrow, but I may just keep that in mind for future photos.
I am struggling to come up with anything for this that hadn't been done already, and better than I would :eek:

I have one idea that may mean a very early start on Saturday! Otherwise I may have to do something sandy and generic, which kills my inner child!

Big apple by Niall Allen, on Flickr

There are two ways of looking at this. One is that it's a big apple (New york). The other is:


I spent pretty much every second of every day trying to think of something, and other than very lame ideas, I only had one other idea planned. That was of a market stall in town, but today was the only chance I had to go and it's been pouring with rain. As I don't own a car, and my kit isn't waterproof/sealed the only idea I had was gone. A friend of mine came up with this idea, and the idea itself I really like. Sadly, I have no actual big apples, nor any way of lighting the items as intended.

In short, rather than let myself down on week two, I thought I'd at least post something to allow me to continue and hopefully improve.

Hopefully this will be the last truly awful shot I ever post.
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Hi Niall,

Don't be so hard on yourself. At least you made the effort to post something and I think your friend was on the right idea there.

Hope you don't mind if I make a suggestion. You say you didn't have a big apple, well think of this ..... what about if you had used the small apple and placed it on the table/counter and with your camera, get as close as possible and take a close up shot from a low angle to make the apple appear much larger ;) Also, I find if you polish up the apple to make it nice and shiny would improve the image too.

Alternatively, you could also cut a segment out of the apple to reveal the core and seeds inside, which are a symbol of New life. Just remember that apples tend to go brown quite quickly so you would have to be quite fast with your shoot before it turns.

Another interpretation of your current image as it is, is that it is your last apple and hence you need to buy some New ones to fill the bowl.

For lighting, you could use a standard table lamp, they can work wonders.

There are many ways to think about a subject. I think you will learn a lot by doing this photo52, so I encourage you to stick with it, the ideas will come to you.

As I have already said, well done for not giving up and making the effort to at post something.

Good luck with the rest of the challenge, and remember we are all in the same boat, that is why we are hear to help and encourage each other through this. At the end of the 52 you will look back and realise what an achievement you have made.


Dawn :)
Thanks for the reply. They are good ideas there, and I was thinking of doing a macro shot, but I managed to get myself all worked up over how annoyed at getting nothing from an entire week! I don't actually have any table lamps, as ironically I just broke mine when I was brining my new sofa in (suppose I could have photographed that in the wrapping! Damn!).

I am looking at getting a lightbox at the end of the month. Just a cheap thing, but it would allow specific lighting for things just like this.

Thanks for the positive feedback, it's very much appreciated :)
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Thanks for the reply. They are good ideas there, and I was thinking of doing a macro shot, but I managed to get myself all worked up over how annoyed at getting nothing from an entire week! I don't actually have any table lamps, as ironically I just broke mine when I was brining my new sofa in (suppose I could have photographed that in the wrapping! Damn!).

I am looking at getting a lightbox at the end of the month. Just a cheap thing, but it would allow specific lighting for things just like this.

Thanks for the positive feedback, it's very much appreciated :)

Hi Niall,

You are welcome, glad you like some of the ideas. I do understand what you are saying about getting all worked up from the annoyance of not being able to think of something. It's amazing how that can cloud ones inspiration.

What I find works for me when that happens, is to just take a step back and put the theme out of my mind by focusing on something different, with no restrictions and no pressure, kind of just let my mind free-fall for a while. That way, my mind clears and the ideas come flooding back. I know you might think that sounds corny, but it works for me, so maybe give it a try. I'm saying it works for everyone, but it is worth a shot.

I don't have a lightbox, maybe one day I might invest in one. I have a few el-cheapo table lamps about, nothing fancy, and they work well. I'm sure you could pick some up at reasonable price from local supermarkets, and they would serve more than one perpose then.

Good luck


Dawn :)
Yeah, I just find that during the working week I literally have 30 minutes during lunch (including the time it takes to walk there, take the photo and walk back to work!) and then the job itself can be stressful. With something nagging at me constantly, trying to come up with an idea, it can get annoying.

Still, I did actually have two ideas, although I was concerned as they involved taking photos of the stalls in a private market place. I wasn't sure of the legalities of that, but also the owners of the stalls attitude would have come into it.

Hopefully the theme for week 3 will be more straight forward!

As others have said, well done for having a go. Sometimes it's hard to think of a subject from one word!

I only posted mine today as was having a total blank :thinking:, until I got some New pound coins in my change today (y)

Try sticking the word into Google & picking out random results for inspiration :shrug:

Oh believe me, I have done all that. I spent most evenings looking for ideas, and the most obvious ones have all been posted already. I was hoping to get an idea of my own rather than repeat someone else's which would be looked upon as unoriginal or copying.

New baby
New items (although I hate this one as to me it seems like you could do anything at all with little thought)
New moon (missed this as it was the first week of the month)
New years day (would have been a calendar shot, so DOF genericness)
Word from a book or dictionary (as above)

The only other thing is some collectors Three stooges figures I have in mint condition, still boxed. I thought that might be okay and amusing, but I wasn't sure how to go about displaying them without having lighting issues, so skipped it (and to be honest, I wasn't overly happy with the idea anyway).

There are literally 20 or so more ideas I had, but non of which inspired me to take any photograph. As I'm relatively new to this lark (even though I've been doing it for about 5 years on and off) I don't have a lot of experience in a lot of areas, which this Photo 52 is going to help me with.

Frustration aside, I really think I'll enjoy this year in photography and I'm already planning on getting an upgrade on my camera at the end of the year as a present for being a good boy during the year :D
yes i must admit I was the same struggled big style but got lucky with a soft one :D but another week ahead :cool: this one will be a good one (y) I can feel it in my bones :D

Saint Mary's church by Niall Allen, on Flickr

I haven't been able to take the photo I wanted today as planned. Again. Although I took this a few days ago, and tried a new processing style I haven't used before (although I forgot to correct the image as you can see, looking top right).

It's also two images as the sky was totally blown out, I've had to replace it with a shot taken 5 minutes before a giant white cloud drifted over with intense sunlight blowing out the sky completely!
niall, interesting angle and processing. Nice detail in the stone work, does need correcting like you say, though i didn't notice it straight away....for me the moss sticks out..good? bad? ... just another sense of fits in very well.
That's actually deliberate (relating to the moss). It doesn't stand out that much on a normal shot, but I wanted to get a sort of tone mapped look to bring out the detail, without actually using tone mapping/HDR as I'm never overly keen on the use of that.

On the full size image though, you can see the brick work, etc has lost a lot of detail due to my clumsy processing of the photo. I'm planning on learning how to do specific things with lightroom this year. Oh, and I had to use elements 8 for the layers as I'm still new to lightroom and am not even sure if you can apply layers in that yet :D
Hiya Niall,

Well done, I like this image. I like the moss, it adds character. Think you did right adding the sky as it suits the image.


Dawn :)
Hi Niall,

I was going to pop in here earlier and got distracted.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself over that apple shot. Dawn had some brilliant ideas about making it fit in with the theme, but just as a still-life in its own right I really like the simplicity of a single apple on a white plate. The lighting could do with a little work, but I think there's real potential in that set up.

Your second stab at the editing of week 1 is far better. It's not quite that homely welcoming shot that you mentioned in your post, but I think what you have is far more interesting and dramatic.

And onto week 3.
The editing with the sky is absolutely superb (y) If you hadn't told us that you'd done it I don't think I would have noticed. The moss has come out well on the stonework and I like the distorted perspective which has the church towering above us.
If you could have got a wider perspective I think it would have given even more impact. I'm feeling it's a bit squashed on either side, but sometimes you can't always avoid that.

(y) I like your objective of learning new stuff in Lightroom this year too. I set myself a similar objective last year with CS4.
Thanks :)

With the church shot, I could have stepped back a couple of feet, but all I would have got was the wider shot, making it more obvious the spire was missing from the shot. The wall at the edge of the boundary is too close unfortunately, so the only way to get it in would have been to stand in the road (it's a main road, with constant traffic!) and it would have the wall in shot, which makes it look more like an estate agent photo that way.

I wouldn't mind revisiting this shot again in the future when I've got more time to learn about processing photos, with layers, etc. This looks okay, but I lost so much detail in getting this look it left me a bit disappointed. Still, considering I have about 1 hour to take and process a shot overall I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on myself.

In 5 weeks I've got 2 weeks off work, so I'll have time to improve I think. I've got a LOT of presets for Lightroom too, I just need to figure out how to install them and see what they do :D
Advance warning!

I still haven't taken a photo, mainly due to having ZERO time this week. Tomorrow I've got to wait for an electrician to arrive "in the morning". No time specified. Great :cautious: Then I have to go and check on my sisters cats for a few hours!

I might go to the park and hope some kids are on the skate park thing, and see if I can get a photo that somehow relates to open, without getting mugged!

Open house by Niall Allen, on Flickr

I was wondering what I'd do for today as I couldn't find anything. As I had to cat-sit today I thought I'd take my camera to my sister's house, in the hope one of them would yawn :D As it was, they had their own 'open house', sharing the shoe box.

I did have a couple of great shots, but no flash meant using ISO1600 and the 30D is pretty poor at that level sadly, so I only got about 5 photos I liked as I couldn't fully correct the noise levels in them.

Still, I'm actually very relieved at getting this shot as I went for a ride through town and couldn't find a single shot that fitted the theme!

Oh, I've added the vignetting look in Lightroom. I was trying to get a kind of 5D feel to the shot when processing. I don't think I've quite got it, but I'm happy enough with it.
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You have captured a great expression on the cats face - super shot.
Hiya Niall,

At first I was a bit baffled by your jist of the theme for this week, but then after reading your expose to the pic I can see where you were coming from.

I must say the kitty does not look impressed and a bit confused about what you are up to:LOL:

I love the added touch of the mouse in the background and gives the image a bit of a 'Tom & Jerry' appeal :p

Talk about taking advantage of the 'open house' while cat-sitting for your sister ...... don't suppose you are throwing a big open-house party tonight are you? :cautious::D:LOL:

As from an image perspective, and even though I don't like the door hinge in view, I can see what you mean by 'open house' ..... and very good use of creative thinking there!

Well done!


Dawn :)

P.S. thanks for the chuckle :)
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Heh, yeah I realised as I was taking the photo that there were a few ways to perceive "open house" as my sister wasn't home, that door in the background was open, but the main one was that they loved that box like it was their home. My cat is the same :D

I've actually taken some other photos that I like more today that I put on Flickr, but they didn't fit the theme.
Well I've bought a few bits and bobs for this week. I'll be taking the photo tomorrow or Saturday morning. I'm quite amused at the prospect of the photo I have in mind (although it might not come off as a decent shot, the idea behind it amuses me :D).

My problem is that I'm having MASSIVE internet problems. My profile, in the space of a week, has dropped from 14mb to under 2mb. I've replaced what I can, done every check under the sun, and am now hoping that my ISP can get the shambles that is BT to fix my line. My profile is dropping by 500-1000 everyday, so there's a fair chance I'll have no internet for a while.

I hope people don't mind my photo being a bit late, although taken within time limits!
pssst...niall.. don't worry..i have taken this as a personal project...personal to me.. i post to stick my head over the parapet of photography, you post when you can...

...and btw .. love the cat.... i see it as reportage... is thata mouse blurred out..even if it is a toy... lol..

This TP app is handy to reply! :)

I've been out and bought some more stuff during lunch, so I really hope I don't let myself down with this one.

So far I've boiled eggs, got some nails, purchased boiled sweets (hard candy!) and to add some contrast I've got some candles (the 2cm high variety) and I don't know what you call them, but ornamental words "Love" and "joy".

I have high hopes for this photo. I just need to get the lighting right, and the kitchen decorated so I can get near the dining room table I need!

Hard by Niall Allen, on Flickr

I've totally messed up the processing on this. I'll have another go during the week. There's just too much mess in our house at the moment due to redecorating, so I took this (a day late) in a hurry. Oh, and as the photo screams, the egg is off centre.

I did have a better idea but half the items I bought during the week to take this photo, have mysteriously vanished from the hall where I left them...

Really wish I'd seen this weeks theme before taking this photo. I spent 3 hours cleaning the dining room so I could take this photo!
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Oh, I forgot to mention that the point of the words in the background is for contrast, as in Hard & soft. The front being hard boiled egg and boiled sweets. I was planning on having a nail through it at a 45 degree angle, but someone ran off with the nail (my cat!). There were more sweets too, but someone seems to have eaten them (even though she denies this and claims she doesn't like those sweets!)

I still like the look of the processing, I just blindly ran a preset to do the vignetting when I should have taken my time and done it properly myself.