Bluetit on feeder

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hey folks!
these are the first photos of birds I have taken with an SLR.
I put a feeder on a tree outside my flat and I have just noticed some blue tits on it today so as quickly as I could I got my camera out and took some shots, but they seemed to be enjoying it and hung around which enabled me to take some time over it.

I used a small tripod on my 450d with a 55-250 on full zoom. I also used a remote. I think my camera was still set up from another shoot and didn't take much notice of the settings :LOL: :runaway: but anyway, below is one of the pics I like the best, but I feel it is quite soft.


the shot was taken as:
ISO 400

Why might it be this soft? I think it may be the focus was on the cage and not the bird - anyone agree? Other than the cropping, what might I do in LR to help bring this picture out to its best and I appreciate that the subject isn't located the best in the picture, what with the trunk behind it!! C+C is very much appreciated and if anyone wants a play, the original raw is HERE

thanks everyone! :D
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Hello and welcome

There are several issues the main one being that from the image it looks as if it was a bright day, unfortunately there is not much light falling on your subject, is the feeder in the shade.

The light and the way it hits your subject is critical to any subject that you photograph, try and have the sun behind you, coming over your shoulder.

Now there are some clever people on here when it comes to image manipulation, who I am sure can rescue a fair bit from your shot.

Whilst sometimes Photo Shop can be the great saviour, it is always best to get as good a shot possible in the first place.

The other thing is practise, with digital it is free all it takes is your time.
hey. thanks.

yeah it is in shade and the photo was through my window! but i don't think i'd be able to move my block flats to get the sun shining onto the feeder!! :LOL::LOL:
thanks. i wasn't too far away really, maybe 20ft - although for the lens i guess it was!! :nuts:

i cant see me getting any closer either though!

thanks for the comments and help!! :)