Critique Bobble,brown hare

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I find hare individual ID damn hard,they molt which changes much,the makings are tricky to assimilate. every now and then there is something,like the bump on the nose,which gives me more than a clue that I have seen this particular animal before. I know this guy we call Bobble,,I think she's a girl ,what ever she's one of the biggest reddest hares I have seen on this patch. The colour is tricky to nail and make look right in an image,as she looks different in the real world to her kin. Oh while musing individual hare ID, we've got a few here ,with very pale eyes. not so much a brown in colour more moving to green. I have no idea whether this is an often occurance,or what form of mutation might be causing this as these thoughts stem from me looking ........ not a book.
I got to spend time with her a few times last year,here she's meant to be being a good hare and staying with the others not coming over to see me,actually being a good hare LMAO also means ya turn round and slap the guy whose amorous advances ya don't like not jump out of ruddy frame !! Hey ho a wonderful little encounter at one stage I was surrounded with a hare on all points of the compass,mind I didn't clock the one from behind until she diverted because my feet were apparently waving about:eek:,which I don't believe;). I'm usually being watched in all this,my lady is a hard taskmaster,for most to have got there would be enough huh, but I get a hammering for sloppy footwork:D

Anyway here's a piccy of her doing all the wrong stuff and coming to see me when she has better things to do,which also means me not getting any boxing images ....again:banghead: Oh had a proper chance yesterday,which I managed to stuff completely, mind what is it they say, cool to see;)

one day !!

_70F7704 Bobble s by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

cheers for the thoughts on my other images

That's one hell of a Hare shot Stu. As Russ says above it jumps out at you. Very well done mate.
Excellent work Stu, I've added some more in depth comments elsewhere, but its great to see how much you're continually improving - this really is a good frame

Thanks lads too kind,isn't it the most special thing that a wild hare will come to see one. I'm still stunned by this,they are so wild so fast,and yet we can crawl up to them and they will come closer........lads that might seem silly when I do this week in week out,but I genuinely feel that awe, I'll also say I'm at a stage where you have all said kind things and I questioned whether the image was fit to post IQ wise............ I guess that is me in a nutshell haven't a clue but love trying to be better

That one jumped straight out of my screen, Stu - very impressive image indeed (y)(y)


thanks mate I made the above preempt 'cause i'm so unsure I guess!! I appreciate the words though buddy I'd like a bit more dof but that's why she jumps at ya isn't it,funny ol' game this;)

That's one hell of a Hare shot Stu. As Russ says above it jumps out at you. Very well done mate.

Cheers John,she was messing with me , I'd laya bet she was thinking.............."ya can't have ya boxing yet,i'll just come so close ya gonna struggle with ya framing again,:D" .............all these myths about hares being a trickster huh.....all true;)

Excellent work Stu, I've added some more in depth comments elsewhere, but its great to see how much you're continually improving - this really is a good frame


As I say concerns about IQ,but you would have picked that. I've responded Mike great stuff mate as always incredibly helpful and as always if i'm improving credit to the guys like you whom spend so much time pushing guys like me forwards.. thank you

Brilliant image, rarely see them round here.


Howard thanks for the lovely words........I'm, worried I know it is said our UK pop is down by 80%,I have been watching since I read of that figure. Numbers have had maybe a harder time this year,I feel that they are even more hard to find this spring than last. some of the folks I speak to are really struggling

But, all this negativity has to be tempered with how little we really know,about this magical animal. I'm just hoping that more are there than we see.

I spoke to a guy at work about my hares,he said he'd never seen one,alive,yet but I saw two on me drive home.So I'm kinda hoping they are there,but you just haven't clocked them yet,which can be no easy thang!! It's finding them Howard, and then having the ability to spot,i'm so sure our eye's get honed,but how does one hone in on the first,only way to learn is by doing. i've drawn a route over the wolds,where We travel regualrly. there is all but a continuous population,but few see them. I've been watching really hard alot of these populations seem lesser this spring,but it might be transient,with the weather events and the cold changing behaviours so they aren't quite as visible as this time last year

cheers all thank you

No, no offended,me don't be daft buddy:D I'm not offended at all. .I can genuinely say to you I don't understand, don't comprehend why. But I respect your reasons.

Can I call ya D bro:) ,I am always going to write your sig wrong. letters wrong order,it's a given, it's also sort of disrespectful to not be able to spell someone's name they want to be known by, when it's in front of one's face,tis why I asked really;) although I do like to say hey XX how yadoin'?:D

take care
