weekly Boots' 52 for 2023

Week 35 - Snapper's Choice

Snapper Choice.JPG

Not much of an image, but this is what has been occupying my mind for the last couple of weeks.

I decided to brush up my coding skills after a long absence, got a free compiler and dug out my forty year old text book.

After some initial successes I got a bit overconfident, and decided to write a Sudoku solver. My logic went - I can solve the puzzle so surely I can program it.... well yes, but it proved to be a great deal more tricky than I had expected.
Circles - well spotted Paul, great take on the theme
Snappers - your commentary makes the shot shine.
Yep - met all the parameters there :)
Staff edit.
This is a personal Challenge, please don't add random images.
You are free to start your own of course

''The Bare Bones''

One leg only
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Nice (and a different) take on the them. And kudos for getting the brain in gear with the coding. I always thought I'd like to give it a go, but gave up at:

20 GOTO 10
Nice (and a different) take on the them. And kudos for getting the brain in gear with the coding. I always thought I'd like to give it a go, but gave up at:

20 GOTO 10
Thanks Simon! Made me laugh.

Now class, can we do the same thing without using GOTO?...
I wouldn't even know where to start! Interesting take on the theme.
Week 36 - Urban

Disappointed with this - thought it would be a bit witty, but it just looks rubbish - sorry!

Snappers choice - story of my life currently :)
Clever idea (good spot for urban) Was it part of a larger sign? Perhaps an image of the full sign would have been better?
Thanks Adam! Perhaps, but mostly I think it was just a bad idea.
Nicely done Paul :)
Your Urban shot fits the bill Paul and I really like your Hollow shot.
Urban - fits the bill so ticks the box.
Hollow - good shape and lovely colour
Solid - good dof.. I could do with one of those....
Can you remember what the knot is supposed to remind you about?
Knot bad Paul :)
Nice interpretation on the theme..
Before we all had digital reminders! :LOL:
I like the image of the Lychgate, great POV but don't know what a lychgate is?

I had to read the comment about the knot to get it (not a thing where I am :) ). It's a well-shot image.
I like the image of the Lychgate, great POV but don't know what a lychgate is?

I had to read the comment about the knot to get it (not a thing where I am :) ). It's a well-shot image.

Thanks Bill!

A lychgate (there are a variety of alternate spellings) is often just regarded as a gateway to a churchyard. Indeed until this project, that was my assumption, but I did a bit of research for the theme. It turns out there is more to it. They are a liminal space, between the unsanctified world, and the sanctified church. The pallbearers carrying a coffin are to stop there, set the coffin down and wait for a while. There are often seats built in to the lychgate, as there are with the one I photographed. After a suitable period (presumably of purification) the coffin is carried into the church.

There is also a superstition that the soul of the departed leaves the coffin and waits in the lychgate, until the next coffin arrives. This sometimes resulted in a race between two sets of pallbearers to get their charge in to the lychgate first, so their loved one could leave more swiftly.

Lychgates are also common in Scandanavian countries, and there are some great looking ones from there on t'internet.

This research was especially interesting for me, as I could never understand why the one I photographed is not connected to anything - you can just about see in the image - no fences, hedges or walls. Why was it there? Well now I understand.

The other image, the knot in the handkerchief, is as you have read elsewhere, a reminder to do something. Obviously dating from an earlier time - but then again, so do I!
Thanks Paul, very interesting. I wonder if there is any connection to the word Lich? A type of undead creature.
Just ran a quick search and this was the first thing that came up: "The lych-gate was once a feature typical of Anglican churchyards; “lych” is a form of the Anglo-Saxon word “līc” meaning body or corpse. In England, the structure was known by a variety of names and spellings, including bier-house, lich-gate, and scallenge-gate (Dyer 153-154)."

So maybe not a direct link but both with the same root word.
Just ran a quick search and this was the first thing that came up: "The lych-gate was once a feature typical of Anglican churchyards; “lych” is a form of the Anglo-Saxon word “līc” meaning body or corpse. In England, the structure was known by a variety of names and spellings, including bier-house, lich-gate, and scallenge-gate (Dyer 153-154)."

So maybe not a direct link but both with the same root word.
Absolutely - well spotted!
I like the way you have carefully framed the church
Gates - great POV... were you in a hole??
Memory. Nice take on the them and a nice sheen to your table too!