Boots - XBOX 360 Core £149.99

Your post got me looking around, damn you!
For another £40 on top of that premium kit Boots have, Play are doing the premium with 4 games and an additional wireless controller.

Temptation's a terrible thing.
Would have liked to but no spare cash at the mo, plus get discount on top of that too.........:crying:
I'm likewise skint from switching my kit bag around. Our local Choices store is offering the premium kit with a game iirc for £179 when you trade in your old Xbox:crying:
bite the bullet and the ps3, new games coming out for it, and the latest update gives 1080p/24 bd playback and full upscaling of ps/ps2 and dvd...sweet
bite the bullet and the ps3, new games coming out for it, and the latest update gives 1080p/24 bd playback and full upscaling of ps/ps2 and dvd...sweet

Matty, whats the internet browser like on the PS3?
Can you go to all types of websites or only restricted to Sony ones (can you view quicktime movies and flash enabled sites for example?
Does the PS3 have a mouse to help navigate or do you have to use the normal game controller?

Rich :)
yeah the browser goes anywhere, you really need a usb keyboard(or a bluetooth one if your loaded) though as the onscreen is pants
i have a PS3 as well, just sold my 360 cos i got banned and will be getting another on Weds. 360 is much better for game variety and online play, I only bought the PS3 to play F1 and Motorstorm.
Cheers Matty and ppp (y)