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Guys very brief.

I've been using these for years now I chanced on my first pair at a car boot. they are made for fishing but there are alot of similarities with wildlife togging so are really good for us. They remained keeping my feet warm even after I'd killed 'em and put holes in the sides. Good tread very light for a high boot,and incrediby warm,I can be on snow all day with these in just a thin pair of socks and i'm a guy that has always suffered with cold feet !!. But best is they are very comfy from new,just need to break in the top really they were waterproof completely until the hammering I give stuff made it's mark. Seen as I've just had to grab another pair I thought I'd share them with ya'll. They are on offer now too £60 is a damn good price in my eyes. They are a bit heavy in the summer abit a bit hot but as a winter warm boot the dog's XXXX. It's very difficult to spend time stinng very still if one is cold or uncomfortable. I have no affiliation to TF GEAR it's a damn good product tis all.

take care all

Guys very brief.

I've been using these for years now I chanced on my first pair at a car boot. they are made for fishing but there are alot of similarities with wildlife togging so are really good for us. They remained keeping my feet warm even after I'd killed 'em and put holes in the sides. Good tread very light for a high boot,and incrediby warm,I can be on snow all day with these in just a thin pair of socks and i'm a guy that has always suffered with cold feet !!. But best is they are very comfy from new,just need to break in the top really they were waterproof completely until the hammering I give stuff made it's mark. Seen as I've just had to grab another pair I thought I'd share them with ya'll. They are on offer now too £60 is a damn good price in my eyes. They are a bit heavy in the summer abit a bit hot but as a winter warm boot the dog's XXXX. It's very difficult to spend time stinng very still if one is cold or uncomfortable. I have no affiliation to TF GEAR it's a damn good product tis all.

take care all


Hey Stu,

Thanks for sharing buddy, as I was planning on heading to the shops this weekend to try some walking boots on. These do sound really good for £60. Will have a think tonight when I'm back from work and may order a pair.

Cheers (y)
I prefer the ease of use of a welly type boot ,Thus I bought a pair of neoprene muc boots about ten years ago still going strong
Hey Stu,

Thanks for sharing buddy, as I was planning on heading to the shops this weekend to try some walking boots on. These do sound really good for £60. Will have a think tonight when I'm back from work and may order a pair.

Cheers (y)
utterly welcome Wez,

mate I think there are some vids about somewhere try typing in the name into Utube,including a review. bit pressed or I'd dig them out for yaThese really will take wading around in a stream edge, they are seamed on the tongue quite high up maybe 6" Wez my new pair seem just a tad smaller than my older killed pair,it might be just an illusion caused by wear but worth mentioning it might effect the size choice,they seem on the small side for a ten I normally take they are fine thank god but worth mentioning.

Thing is mate I know they work, know how warm they are, and know what I put stuff through.It was pure chance I found them Wez just luck. I know I haven't been togging that long ,but can see how aplicable they will be. But your choice mate I just wanted to make folks aware as good gear at a fair price is always worth sharing.I hate having cold feet ,many of us spend hours in hides where no energy is expended and these work for me

Jeff cheers for joining in :cool: if they work for you great, what you use might be better for some folks,the choices are bewildering so it's cool for folks to have some options that we have used for a good while. Not being in anyway affiliated to the makers gives a little help if someone is in the market,which they may well be at this time of year

belucky both

The reviews on Amazon says they are not waterproof and that's just walking in a wooded area. Have you had experiences with "wet feet"???
Nope not until I put holes in them John maybe five year in, maybe more ,sorry buddy I'm shattered just can't be specific. What I have just bought looks exactly like the last pair bar camo pattern. John I have bought the same brand of boots before now repeatedly and not only watched specs go down, as they became "cool", but also felt the consequences . So I'm not posting without some form of wariness of will they still be the exact same product that worked for me Apart from the camo pattern which is newer they look exactly like what I bought first time and probably add up to around a tenner a winter to have warm dry fee at today's price bought new. Same tread same lining presumably same level of thinsulate(,not specified),and same waterproofing breathable membrane

They did some miles John before breaking seriously so!!! But I'm posting off the back of one pair of boots that have served me well ,well enough to go back spend me dosh damn hard won dosh !!! and share that. I have no idea what maufacturing tolerances are, just they worked for me and I gave them a trashing. There are other similar options out there John. Everything stems from our feet ,if we are fortunate to be able bodied, So I've always tried to i find good footware,they can break you grafting like i do if they are wrong/ So I've done some serious homework of late to try and find better,but eventually felt if it ain't broke...

That cold winter I grafted outside in these even that cold minus 19day (or what ever it was) was outside all day, feet were good,

tis one pair of boots John just a heads up from one guy

Ha ha, Steely Dan who would have thought, it always makes me smile where that name came from brilliant musos

take care mate

Never yet had wet feet in the muc boots ,served me well for a few years digging when I used to metal detect and still going strong and dry now at least ten years later ,I like the ease with which they can be slipped on .i.e drive to site in trainers or crocs then slip these on in seconds and be out after the wildlife
Guys very brief.

I've been using these for years now I chanced on my first pair at a car boot. they are made for fishing but there are alot of similarities with wildlife togging so are really good for us. They remained keeping my feet warm even after I'd killed 'em and put holes in the sides. Good tread very light for a high boot,and incrediby warm,I can be on snow all day with these in just a thin pair of socks and i'm a guy that has always suffered with cold feet !!. But best is they are very comfy from new,just need to break in the top really they were waterproof completely until the hammering I give stuff made it's mark. Seen as I've just had to grab another pair I thought I'd share them with ya'll. They are on offer now too £60 is a damn good price in my eyes. They are a bit heavy in the summer abit a bit hot but as a winter warm boot the dog's XXXX. It's very difficult to spend time stinng very still if one is cold or uncomfortable. I have no affiliation to TF GEAR it's a damn good product tis all.

take care all

Hi Stu...i have my regular meindl and scarpa boots for the walking ,tried lots of neoprene type of fishermen boots for just standing around but found them uncomfortable if i decide to walk a few miles ,anyway i may try some of these ,pretty good price ,as Jeff muck boots are good ,had a pair this spring but lost one in the river ,with a pair of Binos ,long story ....
Hi Stu...i have my regular meindl and scarpa boots for the walking ,tried lots of neoprene type of fishermen boots for just standing around but found them uncomfortable if i decide to walk a few miles ,anyway i may try some of these ,pretty good price ,as Jeff muck boots are good ,had a pair this spring but lost one in the river ,with a pair of Binos ,long story ....

My Meindl boots had to be the most unforgiving pair of boots to break in that I have ever had, BUT once you have walked a few miles in them (probably 60 or more) they are excellent. At first I thought I made a mistake getting them but after a while they just fit perfect...
Always up for a long story Den,but not terribly keen on one where you loose a pair of binos..gutted buddy !!

Wore my new pair out for shorties for a few hours,at least some are back Den which is blummin brilliant, but no piccies..... yet. Fears over the new boot size all gone comfy from the off, walked a fair way in them.

They are a high boot and a thick sole den as jeff says a bit of a pain for on and off ye olde muck boot s win there but all good on the second pair so far. Den it's a good price for warm dry feet,a fair one I feel, One that I feel has a use for us and probably has flown under the radar for many of us,I only chanced on my first pair.

They are a bit heavy for stalking Den ya can't feel much through them for close deer or hare say,but they work for me at least so worth a mention I think they would be pretty good on uplands,but I've not really tried mine on that type of terrane Den i've yomped some miles in the old pair no blisters comfy warm dry feet until they split. But fair play I had hammered them . Den foot ware is horses for courses differnt tools for different jobs they walk well warmth in snow mine were are dry I. think these will be great for long term hide standing by tripod stuff,but too big for fine woodland stalking where a twig break is all

Den I suppose the best I can say is I've just spent MY:eek::D hard earned on another pair,if they do what the last did,i'll be a happy bunny And so far so good,which is always nice with new boots,hate breaking boots in !!!!

Stuart, hey, how are ya? I wrote that bit about breaking in boots before seeing your post, some how I'm probably just too old and soft now to want to break boots in. :D I just want them to work ,for the job I need doing these do that !!
take care:)

Loads of shorties on the Dee estuary at the moment ,in one of yesterday's pics I got three together
Loads of shorties on the Dee estuary at the moment ,in one of yesterday's pics I got three together
Cheers for the heads up Jeff,we know we have 3 but they seem to be hunting after dark or leastways just before is when they get up,More hours for a blank and the light has been crap,but always hope!! It's just cool knowing they got back ok at least some anyway. Maybe later in the year will be better. maybe they haven't finished moving yet and more will come down this way.

They didn't show much last year here jeff,but the year before was incredible. Thing is I took those images with a 550D incredible it managed to power a 300 and 2X,:eek: Not recommended, but still fair play to the tiny camera !! So I can't wait to actually get a chance with my 1Div,been waiting for forever for that now it seems. knowing they are here is just making life hard LMAO.

3 in one shot is just unfair Jeff very cool but i'm jealous as hell:D. We have a few spots around here though mate ,so might have to travel a bit further. I adore shorties could watch 'em for hours let alone the piccies side,can't wait to see your images mate ,even though they'll make the jealousy worse;)

take care
