Boys names.... HELP !!

Names are a very personal thing, and i personally prefer traditional names but different strocks for different folks. There is hoever a lot of snobbery around them. Who can forget about Katie Hopkins on This Morning a few months back. Is she the types of idiots reading CV's and judging candidates by there name? Worst still binning them, Probably.

Incidentally my little boy is Theo
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We had no issues deciding on girls names, but then the second scan told us it was a boy and we had a harder time to decide on a name.

We ended up with a short list of Daniel, Thomas and James. We ended up opting for Daniel as we were both happiest with the shortened versions of this name over the others.

Good luck!
Incidentally, on the flip-side, my siblings and I all got names that can't be shortened, and no middle names :D
We had a baby boy on Sunday! We called him Jude. Middle name is Philip ( after wife's brother who past away 2 yrs ago) so no doubt he will become a 'JP' to his mates in later life! We have another son called Reuben. We also liked Finlay & Ethan. Good luck it's not easy choosing!

I always thought that Jude was a girls name?
I think people have their own opinions on the short forms, just as much as the full names.

My son is Christopher, and is often called "Chris". His middle name is Donald and "Don" is fine too. My grandson is James, and I've no problem with "Jim" or Jack", but I'm not keen on "Jimmy" for some reason. My daughter is Samantha, and is happy with "Sam", but "Sammy" is only for close friends. My wife is Valerie, and loathes "Val".

Whatever. We pick names for our children, but can't dictate what they choose to call themselves, or what other people call them. At least we managed to avoid a combination of initials that spell something, well, unfortunate. That's a whole other story!
Isaac (not advisable if surname is hunt)
I'm dead set on Leif if ours turns out to be a boy, but the missus isn't having any of it. We named our first boy Charlie Alwyn Daniel (middle names are not my thing usually but Alwyn and Daniel were my grandad and the missus' late father respectively)
I'm dead set on Leif if ours turns out to be a boy, but the missus isn't having any of it. We named our first boy Charlie Alwyn Daniel (middle names are not my thing usually but Alwyn and Daniel were my grandad and the missus' late father respectively)

I've never heard leif before, where's that from?
We're still struggling...... Fingers crossed for a girl ;)

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, really appreciate the different ideas on boys names.
I've never heard leif before, where's that from?
We're still struggling...... Fingers crossed for a girl ;) .

It's a Norse name, as in Leif Erikson, the guy who's supposed to have been the first European to find the Americas some 500 years before Columbus. I really like it, not only because of the Viking connection from my family roots in the Shetland isles, but because it's very different.

I did suggest Ace (MacInnes) but the missus just glowered at me in disgust :LOL:

We don't have that 'gut feeling' we had about the sex like we had when she was expecting our little boy. It'll all become clear when we find out the sex at the next scan.
My auntie called her son Paul because it couldn't be shortened

It worked until secondary school when one of his mates saw him in the shower

He spent the rest of his school years known as nobby

I hated my name as a child , Darren

When I met my wife at 32 which was 20 years ago she said it was OK on a 10 year old , every time there was a Darren on TV he was a scrote robbing a shop or dealing drugs

I always wanted to be Chris, so that's the name of my son, Christopher
I've never heard leif before, where's that from?
We're still struggling...... Fingers crossed for a girl ;)

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, really appreciate the different ideas on boys names.

We find out the sex of our next one in a month so keeping a keen eye on this. for some reason, girls names we have plenty we would be happy with, but boys are a nightmare.

Our first is 2 and a half now and we found out we were having a boy at the 20 week scan but still struggled with names up until the day.

We found lots of great names but then by the time you take off the ones from people you know and don't want to use for various reasons, cross out the ones you don't agree on that list gets pretty short.

Ultimately though as you associate the name with your little one, you will love it (y)

We settled on Elias in the end, everyone calls him Eli now (Ee-lie). Our close second was Max. We were additionally trying to find a name that would work in French and Spanish, though that became a 'nice to have' as opposed to must have as the list got shorter.

Good luck!