brain melt ! what to buy ? for portraiture + video

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hello people !

I'm a bit confused what to get really !

I want a small camera that has excellent primes sharp great color and bokeh as smooth as melted butter.
fuji xe-1 with 35mm f1.4 or xpro1 kind of would fit the bill ! but ! the video on x-e1 for example is quite standard and you can't change most of the settings .

Then there are the nice MF film rangefinders etc. that cost quite some monies but give amazing stills.

or - something like 60d for stills/video or just a 5d mk1 for now and upgrade to mkII in few months time. all of the cameras would be bought with prime lenses .

budget around 700 for now. another problem for the fuji - if I were to buy 3x lenses that would cost me 1000+ or less if s/h and lucky. could use old olympus lenses for now but video still seems to be the issue.

problem with 60d - chunky. I would like something I can take with me everyday . another minus - pics seem to be a bit too generic , but the video capabilities are awesome.
5d - big but .... full frame !!

MF - amazing stills but would be harder to find clients for such portraiture although, photography wise I would be more focused on long term projects working with various people and covering their lives rather then doing weddings or commissioned portraits.

Is there a one fits all camera for such a delusional person as me ? has anyone used xpro1 for example for professional music videos etc ?

that would even melt my brain even more. resale value is probably ridiculous. ebay says they go anywhere between 200 and 600 for the kit. lol. sensor size satisfactory.. I don't know .. something doesn't seem right for it . maybe it's just the brand name snobism although I have a samsung phone.
most worryingly - it doesn't look too sexy and doesn't have a strong lens line. imo .
and probably the video is as bad as the one in fuji .
full manual and good bitrate and other options. I like working with 60d and 7d but don't like the size and don't find them too attractive. although 5d etc has some magic since I know what's inside :) . well . I might look into the samsung although I find them like driving a KIA - good price , but boring.
nex6 then fill in any blanks in your lens lineup with legacy glass and adapters :)
nex6 then fill in any blanks in your lens lineup with legacy glass and adapters :)

same price as fuji I think. that's the thing - with fuji I wouldn't be ashamed to show up in a pro shoot . sony - same with samsung . good companies, with a lot of stigma.
have though about it though and was tempted twice though.

With your budget I think you might do well to learn to find them attractive.
A Panasonic GH3 is going to blow your budget right?

gh3 would be awesome for video and ok for stills in studio, but the pixel density and FOV I think is not there yet for serious portrait etc. my everyday camera is panasonic atm. love it, but it has it's limitations.

so it's probably 60d + nice lenses , including legacy or fuji + legacy and their own lenses.

maybe get some nice olympus lenses + a hacked panasonic gh1 and fuji xe1. just can't resist small cameras ! :D
erm loads of pro's have nex camera's, as secondary camera's, and or for video work. or as a primary, like trey radcliff.
really all your losing is focus speed, vs a slr. the image quality is really good on a nex.
if your worried about stigma buy a pentax 645 system or a leica :p
Then there are the nice MF film rangefinders etc. that cost quite some monies but give amazing stills.

This ^.

The photos you get from these medium format rangefinders, especially the Mamiya 6/7 or Fuji rangefinders, are just ridiculous and they're great value for money (plus, they don't depreciate like digital cameras).

The lenses on these things are sharper wide open than any APS-C or full frame lens stopped down.

There's a Mamiya 6 in the classifieds right now:
Short of going up to the full frame camera's I don't think there's a one camera fits all solution, not to the degree of using it professionally.

The Fuji is great for portraits, stunning in low light and for straight out of camera jpgs and very much up to the job but not when it comes to video.

Some of the Panasonic m43's are getting rave reviews for video work and of course the canon 5D's.

For now I would work out which is the main priority, video work or portraiture, which is going to be putting food on the table for you in the immediate future?
I would hazard a guess its going to be the portraiture/wedding etc, if thats the case then thats where you need to spend your money, the video aspect can be catered for later when you have money coming in.

Go to the fuji uk shop and have a look in the refurbished section, I think bodies are going for around £450 at present if you pay via paypal and use the code PAYPAL12 (10% off) , lens wise the 35mm to start, then add the 60mm if you need longer and get an adaptor for your Olympus lenses.
erm loads of pro's have nex camera's, as secondary camera's, and or for video work. or as a primary, like trey radcliff.
really all your losing is focus speed, vs a slr. the image quality is really good on a nex.
if your worried about stigma buy a pentax 645 system or a leica :p

leica - I could probably afford a lens cup ! having said that ! I once owned a leica slide holder ! :D

Short of going up to the full frame camera's I don't think there's a one camera fits all solution, not to the degree of using it professionally.

The Fuji is great for portraits, stunning in low light and for straight out of camera jpgs and very much up to the job but not when it comes to video.

Some of the Panasonic m43's are getting rave reviews for video work and of course the canon 5D's.

For now I would work out which is the main priority, video work or portraiture, which is going to be putting food on the table for you in the immediate future?
I would hazard a guess its going to be the portraiture/wedding etc, if thats the case then thats where you need to spend your money, the video aspect can be catered for later when you have money coming in.

Go to the fuji uk shop and have a look in the refurbished section, I think bodies are going for around £450 at present if you pay via paypal and use the code PAYPAL12 (10% off) , lens wise the 35mm to start, then add the 60mm if you need longer and get an adaptor for your Olympus lenses.

yeah ! just saw the offer fuji is doing for 2x lenses + fuji xpro1 . I think I'm quite ready to get that after xmas . xpro1 + 18mm + 60mm . and then later on add the 35mm to round the package up.

This ^.

The photos you get from these medium format rangefinders, especially the Mamiya 6/7 or Fuji rangefinders, are just ridiculous and they're great value for money (plus, they don't depreciate like digital cameras).

The lenses on these things are sharper wide open than any APS-C or full frame lens stopped down.

There's a Mamiya 6 in the classifieds right now:

I know !! I've been looking at it for some time. absolutely stunning ! :) . I think now it's between this + some cheaper m4/2rds setup and Fuji with few lenses.