Brands Hatch Indy Circuit Guide

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As per a previous discussion, here is a guide i made for POTN for Brands Hatch Indy Spectator places.

All shot lengths are assuming a 1.6 crop factor, and are only guesses

I made this last year so they may have added or changed some of the catch fencing.


- Paddock Hill, from the bottom looking at the apex wants 400mm.
This shot is with 300mm


- Halfway up paddock hill looking at the run off wants 300mm+


- Druids wants 300mm but ideally 400mm to get rid of catch fencing for the classic Brands shot.


- Inside of druids looking at the dip at bottom of paddock hill wants about 200mm depending on where your shooting the car.


- Inside of druids (pan) wants less than 100mm

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- Inside of druids on exit of corner you can pretty much use what ever you want depending on what shot your going for.


- Ontop of Druids shooting over fence at Apex 200mmish


- Exit of druids through catch fencing

(cant find pic atm)

- Graham hill shooting at the exit of Druids. 300-400mm

(need pic)

- Inside of Graham hill bend 200-300mm (requires a ladder)

(need to find pic)

- Inside of Surtees (under 200mm for non crop shot)


- Shooting the back of cars going into Clarke Curve from inside of Surtees 300mm


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Shooting from the right hand side of catch fencing by clearways bridge (pans, dont require much from here)


Shooting through media Hatch at Clarke Curve/Clearways 300mm

Im sure ive missed alot of shots. But these are the major ones. Im also sure people will disagree with the focal lengths ive quoted. Naturally this depends on how creative you are with your shots. But these lengths will pretty much fill the frame with car. Also my examples are by no means good examples, but ive just picked the first ones i could find.

Hope this helps.
Good list Nick.. although there are sssoooo many more shots to get around the Indy circuit from behind the fence. Some I thought you had already taken? ;)

If people add some, then i will add them to the list.

I havent shot spectator side in 1.5 years so i have a pretty limited selection of examples.
New debris fence on the inside of Surtees pretty much eliminates any public-side use of that corner - certainly on the Indy circuit.
Great post thanks, will hopefully be dropping in for the trucks on Sunday so this should come in handy :)