Brands Hatch Trackday 8th March


Tom Dauben
Edit My Images
I took the day off work on Monday and decided to go out on my first dedicated photographic trip of the year. In the morning I went to the disused station at Folkestone Harbour (flickr set here) then in the afternoon I went to Brands Hatch to try and get some shots of the grandstands whilst they were empty. That idea went out of the window when I arrived and noticed there were several elises, a Nissan GTR and a Ferrari 360 spyder on a track day!

Here are my pick of the images, I took loads more but these are my faves.

It was nice to get to Brands on a quiet day and get to all the parts of the circuit I've not tried before, I'll be going to another track day and doing this again in the not too distant future!

C&C welcome.





#5 I think this one has a REAL sense of speed, greater than any other images I've taken before.

Some of them aren't pin sharp but then I am using an Olympus E500 with the 45-150 kit lens, I'm REALLY looking forward to visiting Brands when I get a 7D! :)
I'm with Grandslammer, colours/exposure seem ok but the excessive tilt just puts me off.

I agree too and i like a bit of a tilt but nothing this extreme.

Also for me only the back of the elise in the first picture appears sharp? Could just be my eyes I am not sure.

Other than that colours and lighting seem fine.
I do seem to have posted all the ones I took on an angle...:wacky: I did take more conventional ones too, promise!

Just happens that these were my faves.

I'm aware that only the rear of the elise in the first shot is in focus, that is what I was going for.

Each to their own ;)
#6 beats them all just because of the tilt, if #1 was flat, i think thats exceptional, as has been said, all technically good shots!
The excessive angle works in #'s 4 & 5. I like #1, but would have preferred a little less angle though.