Brazilian Grand Prix

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1 - Specks in the city: Timo Glock and a bit of São Paulo.


2 - "Can anybody explain...


3 - "...why the bloody hell Jan Charouz is driving an F1 car?"


4 - Heikki Kovalainen and some more of São Paulo.


5 - Fast Ferrari.


6 - Rubbish Ferrari.

7 - Trulli, madly, deeply, slowly.


8 - The collective joy of driving for McLaren...


9 - ...or Ferrari.


10 - Useful tool for qualifying on pole.


11 - Useful tool for qualifying about halfway to Argentina.


12 -Interested spectator (Turn 10, FP3) wonders why Adrian Sutil a) looks quite fast and b) seems to have stopped hitting things.
2,4,8,9 and 12 were the best for me.

Would be interested in the answer to the sound fella.......... experience was it was the national bleedin pastime of Brazil!
TBH, I might be way out of line here... all these say is you were priveleged enough to visit Brazil
5 and 9 are a bit lovely Simon and I am pretty sure Shell would happy with 11 :LOL:

The BCE pic just so sums up the man ;)

So, your challenge for the 2012 season - at least one pic of the local wildlife [Alonso throwing a hissyfit in Valencia doesn't count] from each race....should you chose to accept it :D :LOL:
Thanks to all for the, erm, mostly nice comments.

With regards to theft (and not wanting to count chickens, owls or anything else), the only thing I've yet had stolen in Brazil was a laptop, in 1995, when I was actually at home in the UK. A work colleague picked up a PC virus during the Australian GP weekend, so asked if he could borrow mine for the season's South American leg. His hotel room was subsequently ransacked and my laptop disappeared in the maelstrom. Caution is advised - and I try to be as diligent as possible,

@new2me: I am privileged to attend all grands prix during the course of my work. Sticking a few snaps on here is less an exercise in exhibitionism, more a chance to let people see contemporary F1 cars that can be hard to capture from the public galleries. They are casual snapshots, no more and no less, and I make no claim to any kind of photographic prowess. I do the best I can with a limited range of kit (whatever I can squeeze in my hand luggage). If people like it, that's fine; if they don't, that's still fine.

@FranchiseJuan: yes, all taken with a K-5, mostly with a Sigma 100-300 f4 lens.

@Yvonne: I'm happy to accept the wildlife mission, although it is easier at some circuits than others. Somebody set me a similar challenge at Valencia in 2008, because they doubted I could find anything interesting against such an industrial backdrop. Five minutes later a kestrel flew into the media room window and remained for quite some time, stunned, on an adjacent terrace. The photos were a bit rubbish, though.

@Nigel: words are my profession, photography merely a hobby. In the circumstances, I'm probably unable to take up your thoughtful offer. Sorry.

Yrs twiddling his thumbs as yet another Porsche race winds to its conclusion,
TBH, I might be way out of line here... all these say is you were priveleged enough to visit Brazil

I might also be out of line, but at least get the spelling right before you rubbish someone's pics.

I however liked the pics and, im looking forward to the final race of the season.

Are you taking some race pics as well?
No race pics, Craig. I have just taken a few on the grid, but the day job intervenes thereafter.
Ooh Er! I hate to tell you this, Simon, but I like the owl better than the motorsport ones :confused: [even allowing for 'Nando's expression :D ]

13 - Track limits, anyone?


14 - Taken a few minutes before he realised how the McLaren felt on Pirelli softs.


15 - This could be the last time...


16 - Back by popular demand.
Some great pictures in there, but the Owl ones just make me chuckle!

Love no. 5

Keep up the hobby!
Great stuff,Simon ,it's always a treat to see your stuff and read the wordage and banter from someone as experienced as yourself.
And I do chuckle at some of the comments made on here on threads ,you are very diplomatic:shrug:
I see that JB shaved his movember moustache off. Did make him look weird, Vettels looked better in the pre-race coverage on the BBC :)
Nice collection Simon , hope you don't mind me asking ?what is your job at the grand prix ?
I write about stuff.

Put like a true journalist :LOL: You work for the Telegraph, right?

Some nice shots of the cars, although they'd really 'pop' with some thoughtful processing. Some of them look a tad flat and just need the contrast increased. But a nice varied set nonetheless and as you say, these are more a record of what you saw than anything serious. :)

The head shots don't do anything for me but they rarely do, even the ones done by the F1 pros.

I love the first owl shot (no.12) - that is an absolute cracking shot. The second one aint' too shabby either (y)

As for New2me's comment about being privileged, if the opportunity is there then take it. I'd say his/her attitude is sour grapes.....
Thanks, Pat. I don't attempt a great deal of PP, mainly because I don't really know how to drive PhotoShop (although I'm trying to learn).

I'm not a Telegraph employee: I''m a freelance writer and translator, but that includes a few odds and sods for the DT, among others.