bridge cameras

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Looking for ideas on a cheap bridge camera

the parameters are that it has to be less than £150 (bought from a uk bricks and mortar shop - i want to actually handle the goods, not order from a web only supplier)

it has to be small and light and easy to carry

and it has to offer a degree of control like PASM modes etc

(note that i'm not interested in a CSC , nor am i changing my DSLR gear for this - the purpose is something i can easily take on walks etc when i don't want to lug the DSLR arround)

Models i've looked at include the Panasonic LZ20, the Nikon Coolpix 310, and a couple of fuji models but i'd be interested in your thoughts
I couldn't restrict myself Pete to that level - sorry to sound snobbish, but I'd sooner pull an iPhone/Xperia/etc mobile out and shoot with it, albeit with no optical zoom.
So in that respect, I'd have to suggest pushing the budget and looking at the Fuji HS30 and Panasonic FZ150, even if pre-owned.

Do you really need the sort of focal length you've indicated with those models mentioned?
I'll second the HS30 - not much over budget from Fuji's recon store. I'll pop down in the near future so you can have a play with mine if you're interested and have a few spare minutes.
Another vote here for the Fuji HS30. I've just purchased one for travel, lightweight, manual zoom, shoots RAW. It's actually a cracking bridge camera.
HS30 is too far over budget for my liking - if i'm going to spend north of 200 notes , i might be inclined to get a CSC instead, but to be honest i'm not inclined to spend that much.

If i can't find anything within budget , I may go for the more basic P&S option ( i've thought about a smart phone but i just know i'll wind up breaking or losing it)