Brighton Street Portraits By Luke Woodford


FYI, I am Luke Luke Woodford
Luke Woodford
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I met up with Alexisonfire today in Brighton for some street portraits. Here are some and ill probably post a few more when ive processed them. Next time I do this im going to shoot portrait oriantation, I have a very bad habit of only shooting landscape. Also I know a couple are a bit soft or out of focus but it didn't feel it mattered too much to the overall image.







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9This is only in portrait because I changed the aspect, there was a big out of focus lady in it.

Thank you for looking :)
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Fantastic stuff, really is. I'm full on in love with the processing. I'm sure Gandhi hates it :p However as you said you probably need to shoot some of them portrait.

While 1 doesn't need it since the focal point is set so firmly on the eyes you don't even realise his head has been chopped off at the brain.

I really like number 2 as well, funnily enough he looks a bit like Ashton Kutcher.

Number 4 should have been portrait I feel. Personal preference!

How do you get such good eye contact?
Strike up a conversation? Point a camera in their face?
Congratulations you have a brand new fan, me.
I love the first one what lens did you use to take it? I guess 24-70 f2.8, they are all great by the way.
They're lovely shots Luke - amazing human contact.
I dont ask anyone to pose. The only person I asked permission for was the guy in #1 because he was homeless.

I do some street photography myself, I don't usually ask but recently I was in Portobello road and I saw this guy in the market with a really striking chain on and a very unusual sweater, I approached him and asked, very nicely, if I could take a picture but to my surprise he went kind of mental. very rude. any ways I backed off a bit and changed my lens and took a shot of him from far away just to prove a point. it's on a film and haven't developed it yet to show you the picture.
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Fantastic set, not keen on the PP on #1 but the rest are spot on for me (y)
awesome stuff luke, love no.1 & 7. Had fun today, although i was lacking inspiration for the first 2hours. :shrug:
I like these - and the processing really works for these subjects too. well done.
not sure what it is but really like no 7, great set.
I'm still interested in the dynamics here. Do you basically just point your cam at people and wait for them to look up or something like that? What lens do you tend to be using on the D700?

I've done the street photography thing but generally bottle out at the eye contact.
what photoshopping do you do to get the colours the way they are. I hope you get me I dont know how to describe it. Very neutral colours??? nothing too bright?
great set , very well executed

i'm gonna be the odd one out here though 'cos number 1 is my least fave , not keen on how the processing works with this one

3 and 4 are stunning
Dave :LOL: you two!

Nice set Luke and once again you put your own mark on them....who needs watermarks..;)
Fantastic work, great captures and really impressive processing which suits the content perfectly :clap: