Bristol streets with the Ricoh GRiiix

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First serious try with the new GRiiix.
It's quite different from the GRiii for me, I have got used to the 28mm and using 40mm has caused me to lose a few heads/legs etc!
I'm enjoying it though and will persevere with it, alongside the GRiii. :)

Banksy Watching
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

We are here
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

The Hitching Post
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Fighting off monsters
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

by Bristol Streets, on Flickr
loosing "heads and legs" seems to be acceptable and in fact normal in this type of photography
loosing "heads and legs" seems to be acceptable and in fact normal in this type of photography
Yes indeed, though I’m not a fan of the more random type of shot I so often see. They look too much like an after-thought in many instances.
Whilst I like to shoot ‘the moment’ I like there to be some order, or purpose to my shot. :)
I've grown to love 28mm on the GRiii, but am actually going to spend a bit of time at 40mm (simply because I have a small m43 camera and a 20mm lens - 2x crop factor on m43). Looking forward to the same journey you are on, Gramps.

I've grown to love 28mm on the GRiii, but am actually going to spend a bit of time at 40mm (simply because I have a small m43 camera and a 20mm lens - 2x crop factor on m43). Looking forward to the same journey you are on, Gramps.

Will be interested in your thoughts on the differences. :)