Broken Spirit

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I'm doing a Project 52 this year and this week's subject is 'Broken' so thought I would share this shot I took of my youngest daughter (she's gonna want paying soon LOL). Any feedback and c&c most welcome.

This is difficult to judge. I can see what you're trying to do, but she looks too good! I mean, her hair looks managed, her face and hands are clean etc. Also, what's beyond the wall? Maybe on location would help.

I guess, food for thought!
I agree with Chris. Like the idea behind this shot and well done for tackling a project 52 (just started my second).
I think a diffusion of the light might help this shot. Just to soften the shadow behind.
Apart from that I like it. Keep up the good work & looking forward to seeing more.
Not sure I'd agree with homeless people being broken Marc. All it takes is a few missed mortgage payments, add a little depression, loss of job, and boom!.... you could be in the same position. It's a fine line.

Why fake it? Why not actually go and talk to someone living rough? By them a cup of coffee, get their story... take some shots. They are people you know... they'll talk to you. The shots would be real... they'd mean something. I find fake homeless shots a bit tasteless and they always look false too. If you're trying to highlight the plight of homeless people, why not use a homeless person? If you're just playing with the idea to have something to do for your "52" then I find it a bit tasteless.. I mean, why not do your next one one by pretending a women is the victim of domestic violence... then you can follow that one up by pretending someone is raped... then a nice overdose scene :)

Does nothing for me... sorry. It's someone playing with an uncomfortable subject peripherally with a middle class safety net. At best it looks like a poor PR shot for some charity, at worst, insulting.

You need to rethink what your images communicate. Strangely, this as a concept is something very few amateurs do.. which is strange, as that's the whole point of photography - communicating.
Thanks for the reply and yes I see what you're saying. However, in my introduction above, I never said anything about depression, or homelessness. You've looked at the shot and that is immediately your perception. :)
If I perceived that, then I did so from your image. The image communicates the message, and the image is designed by you. If there was any miscommunication, it is your fault as the sender of the message, not mine :) Are you saying it's not meant to be a homeless person? If not.. then you've miscommunicated something somewhere along the way :)

Besides... young girl, sat against a wall in what appears to be an alley at night, huddled under a blanket. I'm wondering what else it could be. As for depression... there's a mass of empirical evidence to link depression with homelessness... either as the cause of it, or as a result of it.
Yeah that was the message. So job done. Getting too political now for me. I give up. You win!
Well I like it Marc, perhaps there could be a bit more room above her head but very nice work!
Yeah that was the message. So job done. Getting too political now for me. I give up. You win!

LOL.. sorry.. You can't really take a picture like that and NOT be political though.
I like the shot but I dare say try finding someone less fortunate. Buy them a sandwich and a cuppa and ask if you can shoot them. Its a very difficult subject and someone I know did as suggested above and like stated in this forum its upsetting just how quickly someone can run out of luck. Their not all druggies and alcoholics so your getting what you want and helping someone else out plus they may like the company for half hour
I kind of... think it's a bit boring. There's just nothing interesting going on with the shot.

I'm not sure it's a portrait either because she's clearly 'acting' in the shot. There's nothing being laid bare about her soul here and you're not telling us anything about her because it's setup to be someone else...

But overall I think you're not justifying the title. Why's her spirit broken? Because she's outside? Because her nice new blanket and coat aren't keeping her warm? Is she sad she spent so much money on them? Or is it because she missed her hair appointment to get her roots done...
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