Critique Brown hare Lepus europeas " back step"

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One from a few weeks back,if I had the time i'd like to show more of this stalk because with so little cover ,such a large field,it amazed me I got to them .good dollop of luck here ye olde cloud of death is messing with my sun but hey it's been worse. Although my stalk was cool damn I was rusty, with the camera and a hare coming unexpectedly close

it was seriosuly cold, this is later that same day as that hare in a squall I showed recently,I was way way to slow on the FP's .

The whole idea of this stalk was staying back a bit,hence the 560mm in the hope of boxing. there were 8 out there earlier so as usual all me plans were out the window ,when they came over for a look Man it's hard tracking on elbows .

Anyway, one of a few images that night. This field will been interesting for a while as the bkg is the opposite side of a valley,i'm lying down but shooting downhill. So this view although transient,might yeild some cool bg's,we'll have to see,damn hard going this place,but I'd love another chance in some different light .

_70F5957hare back step by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

cheers for the words on the last couple

PS canon 1Div 400DO is ii 1.4 ext iii HH prone full frame ie not cropped 1/1000 f 7.1 iso 5000

RAW edited in dpp then ps
Lovely Stu. Love the light, foreground, DOF and BG. A little tight at the back/left, is there more? Not much, just a squidge. I think there might not be as you say "full frame" but you can over crop in PS and clone over the new canvas. It doesn't need much and is subjective.

Sharp too. (y)
Hey guys ,thanks both and for the likey thangs.

Dale your spot, my on framing was poor mate but you are exactly right, we need more crits here cheers blue !!!!
I scream at myself a bit mate on my framing, hey ho more practice better it gets!!! When they are like this close and checking one out they move so damn erractically ,one can't really pans as such,plus the up and downs really mess with me.But no excuses I tare me hair out at times Dale it makes me laugh,all that graft getting to 'em and I chop them in half,or don't preempt when I should know by now:banghead: ya gotta laugh mate:D

Dale I worried on IQ on this one,I oft do don't I;) Tricky evaluating frames,for sharps mate knowing what to keep and being ruthless are skills I lack

many thanks guys

Tricky evaluating frames,for sharps mate knowing what to keep and being ruthless are skills I lack

many thanks guys


Tell me about it, I know that one. Look great on the camera, pants on the monitor.

Considering the effort put in and circumstances of this shot Stu, I'd be more than happy with it. (y)
Dale's right about adding a touch more on the left if your pp skills are up to it, just to give that hind leg somewhere to go, even though it's in the vegetation and you can't see it. But that's nit picking - it's a lovely image. Exploit that background while you can - it sets off the hare really well :)
Very nice Stu ,you were close can't get that close with 960mm ,but then i am not crawling across the muddy field on my belly. Ok, you will say ,not enough commitment from me at getting the shot but i have to do my own washing.I will be out tomorrow nice and early if the roads are clear . I need to get a shot like that .
Just beautiful, mate (y)(y)
- great pose, low POV, tremendous background and eye contact - I'm insanely jealous of all your Hare shots, Stu!

Lovely of ya Russ ta muchly:) I've been out again mate,cor tis evil up there,l don't think I got much no boxing even seen today.

My hare portfolio is building slowly Russ, but ya know what I'm like mate ,I wish everyone could have these chances,mind my insanity is probably why these images happen: I really should have been in bed today had a massive dose of man flu,but needed to get out and get some proper air in me lungs. I shouldn't really have tried for anything mate but did. anyway the boss made me stop eventually:( mind she has a point. We even spotted one on the way home Russ,so close to getting a lovely portrait,just lucked out,but only by a split second,I think one's eye just hones in on then after a while Russ.

Sometimes i'm jealous of all the subjects others get to see,,there is so much to go for. But this choice I have made to try and go full on at just a few species most of the time has really helped me while learning all this especially with my time constraints..Mind it's not hard to be besotted by a hare is it:D

cheers kiddo

Dale's right about adding a touch more on the left if your pp skills are up to it, just to give that hind leg somewhere to go, even though it's in the vegetation and you can't see it. But that's nit picking - it's a lovely image. Exploit that background while you can - it sets off the hare really well :)
Hey Jan ,I hope the next few days are kind to you,looks like it's going to be hard in your neck of the woods.

I completely agree on that bit extra at the back,,I'm not there yet with regards to adding canvas,but it's early days,it will come Jan . Honestly,although it is only a smidge, only ever get's that one moment in time,I've got to be better while framing when these chances come Jan. I know it's a bit nit picky,but it has to be,I'm always grateful when you guys spot something:)

Boxing, ha ha ,got so much Jan ,we have been so so so lucky, seems wrong to ask for ,ore,but need me boxing now,;)
Very nice Stu ,you were close can't get that close with 960mm ,but then i am not crawling across the muddy field on my belly. Ok, you will say ,not enough commitment from me at getting the shot but i have to do my own washing.I will be out tomorrow nice and early if the roads are clear . I need to get a shot like that .

John ,my apologies ran out of steam last night sleep intervened.,yup close ,but not as close as they will come. John this stalk was in part what I was referring to in my post on your hares. Stalking these guys is the game of deception it's always a knife edge thing,reading them moving at the rigth time etc. But when it all goes right ( makes no bones I mess up ,it is a given) but when it goes right they can come out of curiosity to investigate the image maker.

So naturally the hare isn't going to spook to the shutter,well if one guns it that will,maybe undo things. But seriously these rare chances are worth every failed attempt,because it isn't a one frame and she's off thang now,it's dream time,as so many frames can follow,stretching grooming .a whole plethera of behaviours. I'll have a few keepers from this stalk,a competant photographer which I ain't yet by anystretch,would have a sack full mate.
Buddy i'm a realist ( as well as being a mad romantic with regards to nature ) I know how much more I have to learn am brutally honest with myself about my tog skills,this framing lark close is hard, MY FP isn't towards the top line framing isn't quite there etc,but the field raft got my something.

So yeah I guess a degree of comitment,but it's those rewards mate. I'd lay ya a bet I wouldn't have tried this stalk last year,I might have walked away I might have staked out the field,again using my knowledge to maybe move the odds in my favour,

But try and get to some in the middle of a 30/40 acre field nah mate:D There is one hell of a potential reward though,so I guess now I understand that first hand I have a crack at it. (IT IS STILL MADNESS THOUGH !!)

But I wouldn't say to you or anyone else that you lack commitment because you are a little bit less mad than I.

John tis always difficult trying to help someone,especially when I don't consider me to be any form of expert, and don't know you very well. But a few words on clothes,I know these comments were made with a smile mate,but just in case. you are not aware of what is on offer clothing wise.....

You need to wear a set of layers mate,that outer layer,don't get much washing !!!!!!! Mate base layers not cotton and normal clothes can be worn under this outer which takes the hammering.....mud and everything else that comes with animals and gravity !!!!!. I use a waterproof breathable set of camos made by sportschief, which incidentally have a scent blocker in the fabric, base field craft ie wind direction should negate that need,but hey it's no bad thing. . They are distributed, in the UK by garlands shooting ground and I don't ever wash them in the conventional way,just wipe the mud etc off.

Mate I'm a bit ocd on camo and stuff,each to their own,even camo boots lmao:D ,but a good outlayer is a godsend for wildlife,especially if one craves the low pov I so oft do,but it's not only for stalking,if one is cold ,wet or uncomfotable when waiting, one won't keep still good clothes are a massive asset for us mate they can make or ruin a day if one is ill equipped,

Please forgive me labouring this mate,hope it's ok it might help???

That's a very nice shot. I love the background. But the Hare takes centre stage, with some great detail
That's a very nice shot. I love the background. But the Hare takes centre stage, with some great detail

Thanks John too kind ,one has to be so close then the framing gets hard !!

I've,been staring a bit of late at this lot,I got more:) and not just this fella. It's funny john, my first outing in this field made my think of backlit,but this across the valley ,bkg thang, has slapped me a bit. Made me think The rape will smother all chances when the soil warms.But the across the valley bkg is available elsewhere if I put my brain in!! I tend to prefer to be below a hare on a bank to make an image I guess,don't want to look down on then metaphorically or visually ,but,seeing these results,is making me question that. ,leastways visually.

sorry slow in reply I saw it a day or so back,too much graft, mate,but nonetheless sorry kiddo

take care

Thanks John too kind ,one has to be so close then the framing gets hard !!

I've,been staring a bit of late at this lot,I got more:) and not just this fella. It's funny john, my first outing in this field made my think of backlit,but this across the valley ,bkg thang, has slapped me a bit. Made me think The rape will smother all chances when the soil warms.But the across the valley bkg is available elsewhere if I put my brain in!! I tend to prefer to be below a hare on a bank to make an image I guess,don't want to look down on then metaphorically or visually ,but,seeing these results,is making me question that. ,leastways visually.

sorry slow in reply I saw it a day or so back,too much graft, mate,but nonetheless sorry kiddo

take care

No problem Stuart.
Just keep shooting and posting them photo's.
'ere buddy call me stu everyone does,my good lady calls me stuart when I'm about to be beheaded,so I sort of feel more comfy with stu:D
gonna show ya "bobble.....the bobster", erm soon,that is,if I can work out how to process said beastie John. It's wierd this game ya spend all this time and effort trying to get close, for a sort of frame filling image,and I waffle on about bkg's :whistle:

cheers muchly:)
'ere buddy call me stu everyone does,my good lady calls me stuart when I'm about to be beheaded,so I sort of feel more comfy with stu:D
gonna show ya "bobble.....the bobster", erm soon,that is,if I can work out how to process said beastie John. It's wierd this game ya spend all this time and effort trying to get close, for a sort of frame filling image,and I waffle on about bkg's :whistle:

cheers muchly:)
Your wish is my command..... Stu.