BRSCC Oulton 12.09.09 Flying Mini!!!!

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Hey up...

what a cracking day... it really is the best at club level the minis are mental fast and close! i want to race one!!!!

Unfortunaly not my best shots but i feel one of them may have been my catch of the season! :)

1. just something i like about this car (would love a FR)

2. trying a different crop of a fairly standard view point...

3. Too tight a crop - to remove the barrier at lodge... just liked the tripod!

4. 2 of my fave things... gulf colours and a mini! heaven!

5. MINIS!!! and no BMWs!

6. and... my catch of the season!! so chuffed - bet it scared the driver!

cheers for looking C&C very welcome

love that leaping mini, absolute cracker enhanced even more by the sun being out and casting a nice shadow, on Number 1 nice pic but dont like the wallpaper on the car, go get yourself an FR I did and I cant stop grinning even though mines a TDI...
sorry number 2 doesnt work for me but number 5 is nice..
That Mini shot's a cracker, indeed!
You've got every right to be chuffed with that one.
as said above the mini shot is a belter, well done :)
Great shots, was a good day, esp the Minis. And No 6 (y)(y) what can you say, other than excellent :clap::clap:
Cool - the last one is awesome.

stuck them together... but my 3 fps and a fast mini theres lots of gaps and dont quite go together that well... but just for fun! :)


If you have PS CS4 - you can try to use content aware scaling to extend canvas so you can then fit two other cars seamlessly (just an idea ;))
Brilliant Mini shot!!!

This is why they're "MIGHTY"!
cheers guys! i still look at it and wonder how and wow!

they are indeed mighty minis - as they 'say never underestimate a mini'! :)

chrisbie, my mate also had the older shape TDI FR, chiped with the cupra body kit and wheels, awsome machine - shame it got nicked for an armed robbery! :0 sort of puts me off buying one!

dalex - cheers for the ideas mate... shame its a foreign language to me! not quite sure what it all means, im not to hot on processing... :(

wanst sure if to get 2010 season pass... i will just to see the minis!! :) :)


bob :)
Another one say "cracking mini shot" :LOL:
Flying Mini shot is just superb :clap: perfect with the shadow (y) must be well pleased....
Brilliant shot of the mini. Lovely and bright and perfect timing.
#6 is awesome, probably the best shot from Oulton I have seen all year. I like #5 as well, the composition is lovely and the idea works well.

Where is the flying mini shot taken by the way, I can't quite figure out where on the circuit that is?
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#6 is awesome, probably the best shot from Oulton I have seen all year. I like #5 as well, the composition is lovely and the idea works well.

Where is the flying mini shot taken by the way, I can't quite figure out where on the circuit that is?

Thankyou very much :):):):) he over ran casscades and is on the grass on the outside of lakeside... i was stood the other side of the track at the end of hill top / start of hislops.. so on full reach of my 200mm lens!! didnt know what was coming, just liked the red mini as i used to have one and the next thing i know he is flying! :)

cheers for the nice comments every body! :) :)

dalex - cheers for the ideas mate... shame its a foreign language to me! not quite sure what it all means, im not to hot on processing... :(

You can take one of them (say middle one) and extend canvas to cover all three to the left and to the right. Then use content aware scaling in Photoshop CS4 to scale it up to the new canvas size. You can mark the car not to stretch so it will only affect the background. Then just add the other cars onto this (a number of ways to do it - select and copy the ones from the two other photos or do the same extension as the first one and have them all as layers and paint over to reveal parts of the layers etc.)