BRSCC @ Oulton, sometimes on the black stuff !

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great club meeting with some fine weather. lots of action in 20 minute slots.
6 pics from the day and as always comments and crit welcome

1 Lady Racer

2 young Wayne Macaulay going very fast, rallying potential methinks

3 Not one of them on track

4 Porsche getting a bit cross

5 some of the mini racing was close

6 Rubbing is racing, could need a lot of rubbing after as well

Thanks for looking
Good set. Wheres the Vulcan ? That is some close mini racing. Mad as usual
Enjoyed them all but the first one is the gaffer :p
They look good Chris - I was tucked into the corner of old hall when Hen wiggled his 924 - only caught the tail end of the madness. Looked like he was going to slam either into tyre/bodywork for definite.

Lucky chap!
Woo sideways action!

They look good Chris - I was tucked into the corner of old hall when Hen wiggled his 924 - only caught the tail end of the madness. Looked like he was going to slam either into tyre/bodywork for definite.

Lucky chap!

yup I was certain it was binned but he did a great catch. I would have had a great sequence but he was hidden behind the car in front, amazing he missed that as well.
Thanks guys
good set, but #1 looks over exposed to me.
good set, but #1 looks over exposed to me.

Yes it is but I increased gamma to pull out the face of the young lady driver. Result in rest of pic being a tad overexposed. I suppose I could have done some more local processing on just the windscreen area. Thanks for your comments.