BSB Test Day Snetterton 210313 again with help from Neil (thanks)

great set mate, the last two i think would look better zoomed out a bit. get a bit more of the track and background in the pic
These look good to me, pin sharp and nicely captured. #5 would probably look better balanced with more room for it to move into, but otherwise a great set. I also like the Lowes shot, you've caught a good moment there.. Look forward to seeing more in the future.
Thanks Neil for your help. I'll be back with some pictures from WSBK Motorland Aragon in April. Any advise is allways welcome.
Philippe absolutely love these superbly composed punchy and catch your attention as a viewer look forward to seeing more
Philippe absolutely love these superbly composed punchy and catch your attention as a viewer look forward to seeing more

Tom, Thanks very much. Superb bird pics on your site. I'll be back with pics from wsbk Motorland Aragon. Best regards, Philippe. Belgium.