Critique Bubble planet.

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Decided to have a ply in the garage with some washing up liquid, a straw and my macro lens.
It was interesting just watching how the different colours on the bubbles changed and swirled before they popped.

C&C mor than welcome.

Thanks for looking.

Its a cool image in my opinion and SWMBO liked it too saying whats that planet
Lovely shot. The colours are very nice.

Cheers. The colours change massively during the space of just a few seconds. It amazing to watch in a mini world.:)

Its a cool image in my opinion and SWMBO liked it too saying whats that planet

That means it's worked then! ;)

Very nice, I got a bit addicted to bubbles a while back :)

It's easy to get addicted to playing around with bubbles. What else did you do?
I also did a bubble tank, gave me some nice effects, I would have also liked to have frozen a few but never got round to it.

I still think I need to improve my planets, I will give it another go soon :)
I think NASA have been lying to us all, all of their pictures of planets has just been some joker in his garage taking pictures of bubbles.

Great shot, one of the best I have seen.
I think NASA have been lying to us all, all of their pictures of planets has just been some joker in his garage taking pictures of bubbles.

Great shot, one of the best I have seen.

Many thanks. This was this first time I've had a play at this. I saw it in an old photography magazine before it got slung. Will definitely be having another play.
Nice! I love the difference in colours.
I'm having a play at this sort of stuff over the next few days, how did you set it up?
Nice! I love the difference in colours.
I'm having a play at this sort of stuff over the next few days, how did you set it up?

I used a large soft box set at about a 45 degree angle from the bubble. Making sure the BG is nice and dark, I pulled the softbox as close as possible as you can only see the colours in the catch light. Camera set at 1/125 & f18. I then tweaked the ISO to get the right exposure. It's a bit hit and miss exactly where to focus. I found making the bubbles about 3" diameter seemed to work.
Very nice, at first I thought it was something from the Hubble Space Telescope until I read the title :)
That's awesome! Great stuff! I might try this one rainy weekend, it would be good to play around with the colours and see what results you end up with.