BUCS Athletics Championships

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some shots from last weekend at the Olympic Park...






All images copyright ii10photo.com - full set available from http://www.ii10photo.com/bucsvoac
Hate number #3 .. the rest are nothing short of inspiring :)
super set
love no2 a real feeling of the bigness of the stadium.

I like 3 too.
I've always struggled to get a decent shot of the pole vault but you nailed #9 perfectly for me.
What was your set-up in terms of equipment. I like sports photography buts its something wayy down the line for me!
thanks for the comments...think on #3 I tried to flick the zoom at the same time, probably just L-R motion would have done as well as a little less PP...worth a try... :nuts:

stadium were 14-24 on FF (d3s) making them almost fisheye, 70-200 on some of the starts and runners going past and 300mm for others - 400mm would have been perfect really...

I'm amazed on how you managed to hold a camera and a starting pistol on #1 :p either that or you had a bloody good seat.....

I quite like #3 thou - prob because its different.... But then again everyones tastes are different..
#6 HDR is superb. There will be so many cameras going back and forwards on those lines this summer!

I was going to attend this event though certain occuring issues prevented me from going :crying: Totally jealous.

Great effort.

#9 best for me.
no 6 is absolutely epic, got a real dramatic feel about it! and no 1 has captured the feel of those runners, great pics! major jel
The stadium shots are my favourites too, I think it would be impossible to get that sort of a shot on a crop sensor unfortunately :(
Brilliant shots all! Love the hurdler (he would be proud to hang that image on his wall) the relay changeover and the pole vault, and the stadium wide angle shots.
Think that just about covers it.

No, not quite --

Very envious - well done!