Bumble bee Tamron 55-200mm macro lens

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This is how close I can get using the Tamron 55-200mm Di II AF macro lens. I have done a few other pics but as this lens isn't technically a dedicated macro the detail is superb.

Bumble bee by Keith-Drain, on Flickr/

I took it on the D50 which is a 1.5x crop so its giving me and 100mm extra or so. Not bad for a lens that cost me £50 off ebay though:thumbs:

spider vs wasp by Keith-Drain, on Flickr/
buzzy working by Keith-Drain, on Flickr/
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That lens does seem pretty sharp. Do you use falsh as well or just rely on ambient light?

The focus on the first is very good, while it seems a little off on the other two. What shutter speed were you using on #2 and #3?
I do use top mounted flash if required, I use the Nikon D50 now which syncs at 1/500 instead of the typical 1/250 so I get alot more of a frozen picture.
The is very sharp but when dealing with small nippy insects its hard to get off a truly sharp shot sometimes, the wasp was one shot and it was gone, I got the rear of the flying bee in focus and not the head but I'm still getting used to it.
Have a look at my new pics I put up today.
It is tricky, but well worth persevering. The bee that you had added looks like you are heading in the right direction. Just looked at your Flickr stuff and the grasshoper and white butterfly look good - Well done (y)
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Cheers, its a learning curve and I'm only just getting into the macro stuff, its very fulfilling when you get it right.:clap: