
This is my first real attempt at portrait as it is something that scares me, and i will admit, this shot is a bit of a happy mistake. I know there is a bit of blur to it, as it was only supposed to be a setup shot to go with some pics of mountain bike stuff. I quite like the light, and James' pose (my frined in the pic) seems very natural to me. I just wanted to see what other people thought, as portrait is something i would like to give a bit more of a go at. Thanks in advance(y)
could really do with some help and suggestions with these pics please

here and here

I did ask in the threads, but...............

many thanks in advance :D
Ok ..... apart from comments from EdinburghGary ( (y)) and Dal (who doesn't count as he thinks all my photos are rubbish)

I would like a bit more feedback on this ..... any help on strobist techniques would be good.

Strobist Lychgate
I'd love some feedback on this thread if possible, hard not to feel a bit dispondent when your thread seems to get ignored! I know at the end of the day some people might consider them to be holiday snaps, but there was thought behind them!

Open to C&C, edits.. whatever. :)


I know why no one C&C'ed this set. It's because you are all going to Windermere soon and don't want to look in case you end up copying my shots. Good luck to you then because I took nearly all of them all from a speedboat :LOL:

Shameless Bump
Please help!...This shot really works for me... :) but I need some feedback, I don'y want 'nice shot' comments :nono: I would love to know if there is any chance a shot like this appeals to anyone :thinking: Actually I've already had a few ideas with a bit of help from PS.....Over to you guys....Crit away...and thanks Steve

I guess Denholme is'nt exactley the Montmartre of the North, but this is an opportunity to get work seen in a gallery environment and maybe sell a couple of pieces. There are some inspirational people involved, interest from local newspapers and shops/cafes willing to sell photographs on an ongoing, rotational basis. It is open to any artists willing to travel to the exhibition for the day and there are future iniatives planned for those involved, permanent and online galleries, access to established gallery resources, networking and an outlet for work.

this is my first real 'Wedding' i did do a wedding for my dad as a present a wee while ago but was never of any decent standard and was literally as it was either that or a grandpa with a point and shoot!

Anyway, it was a pagan handfasting and they paid me! 350 quid plus sale of prints...

i would love to know what people thing, if i have charged too much, if i have the potential to charge more and also if there is any post processing that will help them look even better :)


thank you xxx Fi xxx