Burning sand

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Took this today while getting sand blasted on the beach at st annes.
Thats eye catching - love to see a larger version! Its quite a surreal shot!

I like :D

I'll post the full res on my website when i get home.

It was strange how the wind was blowing toward the sea, was strange to see.
God shot - we had something like that on our beach, but mine didn't come out as good as yours so I'm not posting them.........:crying:
Have a post! We are all here to help, a little post production might bring them out a treat.

I used some grad filters and a circular poloriser to get the effect so its not the pure 'raw' image as such.

Would have been better if i had had my tripod though
That is certainly a bigger version!

Strange effect. Doesn't really say burning but is certainly dramatic. Whole picture creates a strong perspective.
I like it - especially L A R G E!

Being ultra critical - the buildings seem a little on the dark side. Was the original RAW? Can you turn the black down a bit?