busted my sigma 24-70, what to replace it with?

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today i managed to drop my 5d from a park bench during a portrait shoot and broke my sigma 24-70/2.8 in the process.

broken by keith_r_rutherford, on Flickr

i wasn't planning on replacing it but my hand has been forced and it's just jumped to the top of my list :crying:

my budget won't stretch to the canon 24-70/2.8 so my options are the tamron 28-75/2.8 or another sigma 24-70/2.8. i've been second shooting at a few weddings and appreciate the width the 24mm on the sigma offers and the af is pretty quick, but mine was quite soft at 2.8 and the af on the 5d doesn't help tbh. i've been reading about the sharpness of the tamron but that the focussing is slower, just how slow is it? and is the hsm version of the sigma much better than the older non-hsm versions?

before i had broken this lens i was looking at another prime, either on of the 50/1.4's or the 28/1.8. i don't fancy going without a standard zoom just yet, so it'll be either the tamron or a variation of the sigma lens.

opinions on this would be appreciated since i have no experience of either the tamron or sigma hsm.
I did the same thing with a sigma 120-300 the end came off the circuits snapped and it was broken.... sigma only charged 70 quid to replace the top part..

I got my bag out of the boot of car and swung it over my shoulder... yeagh you guessed.. wasnt zipped up..camera and lens wet through the air... the canon 1d just laughed as it hit the floor.. the sigma....erk
I have both a canon 24-70L and tamron 28-75 using a 5dII and for the price I would recommend the tamron no problem. I'll try and do a better writeup tomorrow and maybe some test shots, unfortunately I can't compare it to the sigma but if I had to go without the L I'd still be happy with the shots I get from the tamron.