Butterfly, Giant Wood Nympth

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First time for ages that I've tried macro
I nipped up to the butterfly house at Chester zoo
there wasn't many butterflies there to be honest but this one posed for a while :)

1/40 at F3.5 ISO 400, two shot stack

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Lovely shot Pete, with good composition, good colour and lighting.(y)

lovely shot
does your lens not all steam up in a butterfly house ?
iv'e been scared to take my camera gear into a butterfly house

F3.5 and a stack. That's interesting.

Thanks Nick I had to open up the aperture to get a reasonable shutter speed as the butterfly was moving a bit
I couldn't get the eyes in focus as well as the wings at F3.5:)
lovely shot
does your lens not all steam up in a butterfly house ?
iv'e been scared to take my camera gear into a butterfly house

Thanks :)
steaming up is a problem
I put the camera in a plastic bag then in camera bag
when I get inside the butterfly house
I leave the camera in the bag for a while then take it out still inside the plastic bag for ten minutes
This helps a lot :)
Thanks :)
steaming up is a problem
I put the camera in a plastic bag then in camera bag
when I get inside the butterfly house
I leave the camera in the bag for a while then take it out still inside the plastic bag for ten minutes
This helps a lot :)
Thanks for the tips! We have a butterfly house near where I live and I want to take my camera in there at some point. I'm mainly going to look for exotic collembola though ;)
Thanks for the tips! We have a butterfly house near where I live and I want to take my camera in there at some point. I'm mainly going to look for exotic collembola though ;)

That's a cunning plan Tim :)
if the butterfly house has been there a while there's probably all sorts of little bugs there
at Chester they put out fruit for the butterflies i guess that most butterfly houses do this you may well find all sorts in that area
with steaming up the longer you leave the camera in the bag the better and its worth bringing a small lens cloth for the front of the lens:)