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Afternoon everyone sorry I havent posted for ages I don't normally do macro this time of year:)
I fancied a change from the Tiger cubs and went to the Chester zoo butterfly house:D
I'm well out of practice I have forgotten how tricky its is to get things in focus especially as there seemed to be a breeze through there the butterfly was always moving a bit
I struggled to find much perched up but after 45 mins found this little guy and followed him round the butterfly house and got shots of him in different places
I used my old Sigma 105 macro and 550D
natural light used a tripod and manual focus on live view 1/8 at f5.6 ISO 400

Good to have you back! This is really nice, i like how the touch of pink in the wing matches the flower. Great image (y)
Very nice shot Pete, great colours that all go together very well.(y)

Thanks very much everyone really appreciated, it was good fun to get the macro gear out again:)
not long now till the insects start coming out up here, looking forward to it and am looking for new sites in my area
Lovely shot of a superb looking Butterfly (y) love the dappled splodge of pink in the background.
Thanks very much Clive was really pleased how it came out:)