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Has anyone brought a lens from Looking at a macro lens for micro 4/3s and it works out so much cheaper.

Is there import fees and duty to pay when it arrives?
Not sure if they'll let you place the order from another country. They usually refer you to your local Amazon site if it's also available on there.
Edit - just had a look and for some items it will, others it will just say "does not ship to United Kingdom".
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Not sure if they'll let you place the order from another country. They usually refer you to your local Amazon site.

It says they'll deliver to the UK, not signed right in as I think I'll need to set up an account to purchase.
If it comes from US you should have to pay duty and taxes
Last time I tried it from they re-directed me. If it is saying they will ship to the UK then maybe it is not Amazon themselves but a reseller. It is possible you will get hit with fees when it lands in the UK. It is also possible that it will not. It is your responsibility to make sure it is paid.
If it comes from US you should have to pay duty and taxes

High probability on stuff coming from the US. Round numbers, it's about 28% extra on lenses, plus shipping. Usually not worth it, could even leave you out of pocket.
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As Mike says ^ the price inc. delivery you'll pay includes duty and taxes. I've bought items a few times from .com and apart from the long delivery time it's been hassle free, even had a part refund once when duty wasn't as much as estimated.
I converted unwanted airmiles to voucher (there was no option for a option) and bought a battery pack from there. I was charged tax and import duty but refunded it but in the form of credit there. I ended up using it to buy something else and same happened again. Some items they won't ship or redirect you to the UK site but it varies I think.
I’ve bought a Sigma lens from Amazon UK, and the packaging for a £700 lens was shockingly bad. I sent back the lens 3 times until I got one I was happy with. I can’t be certain whether the lenses suffered impact in transit. I’d seriously worry if ordering from the US and return to the US if I wasn’t happy.