Buying in Thailand

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On alot of camera's I see the "Made in Thailand" especially for nikons so was wondering if anyone has had any experience from buying physically in thailand i.e. on holiday as I might be going in a few months time? Also, was the price substanstially less?

My understanding is that electronic goods in Thailand are no cheaper than they are in the uk especially once you factor in the lack of warranty etc. DVD's and computer software however are an entirely different matter.
You won't save much.

USA and Japan and Hong Kong are the cheapest places by miles.
Fotofile this store is good to go to apparently...

I only did a comparioson on a couple of lenses but they all came back more expensive than prices I've seen Kerso quote recently, so I guess it's better to keep your money in your pocket in Thialand.
i have familly that live in the philippines and asked if they could buy over there for me and was told its no cheaper than the uk best place was hong kong/usa
I was in Thailand last year for a while, I was hoping to buy my first DSLR thinking it would be hongkong type money.

At the time i think a 400d was around £400 here over there it was closer £500!

Pretty much everything like phones and cameras etc was more expensive than here. There were a good few cheap LCD Tv's about but getting one in teh suitcase would have been too much of a challenge lol
You won't save much.

USA and Japan and Hong Kong are the cheapest places by miles.

I dont think Japan is one of the cheapest places unless you can claim the tax. Well, without claiming tax, it is still cheaper than the price in UK. :LOL:
Funnily enough I was in the Philippines in april and I can confirm that Branded photographic hardware is as expensive there as it is here, however generic gear like lens hoods screen protectors batteries and the like are as cheap as chips as are nissin flash guns and remote shutter releases.