Buzzy things

Jay Payne
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Went out playing with the Macro lens again today, I still find this really frustrating to be honest but it's a good feeling when you get the image you were after anyway I've sorted through all the blurred one (which was most!) and came up with these:


2. Anyone know what these are? :shrug:

3.Clipped the wing!

Thanks for looking (y)
I still find this really frustrating to be honest but it's a good feeling when you get the image you were after

Agreed..........but that's what makes Macro so addictive:LOL:

A good set like these :clap: just whets your appetite for more...........

No2...........Soldier beetles. You seem to have captured them doing what they do best!
Agreed..........but that's what makes Macro so addictive:LOL:
A good set like these :clap: just whets your appetite for more...........
No2...........Soldier beetles. You seem to have captured them doing what they do best!

Cheers matey, I'm not sure that I'm addicted yet but I do want to get better!

Thanks for the comments and the ID (y)
I really like these shots in particular no 2, great timing :love:
I really like these shots in particular no 2, great timing :love:

Cheers! :wave:

soldiers are the pick of these (y) you did well, its hard to get both in focus when they are stacked :LOL:

Thanks animal (y) does any one else hold their breath when trying to take a shot cause I run out of breath just as I get it focused!
interesting question Jay....
i was trying to control my breathing while taking some shots on sunday. i read you should press the shutter when exhaling...easier said than done when doing bugs. They do not co-operate and I nearly fainted twice :LOL:

Try explaining that to your insurance company if you had an someone had nicked your gear! :LOL: