Edit My Images
I posted these over on the MBClub forum and a member there who is also a member here (ST4), suggested I share them here too (It's been a long time since I lat visited here, I'm afraid).

I've been interested in photography for a few years now. In that time I've dabbled in numerous genres but I get the most pleasure from portraiture, in particular when coupled with off-camera lighting.

Recently, I watched a series of video tutorials on "Kelby Training" by Tim Wallace of Ambient Life. These tutorials explained the basics of automotive photography. One video in particular used some simple off-camera lighting techniques and so of course I was keen to give them a try.

As it turns out, I've had a very enjoyable week taking a snap or two each day and uploading them to my Flickr account. I've actually been quite surprised about how much fun it has been.







Lighting details are on the Flickr pages, but basically all are lit with a single 130x15 strip.

Any and all comments welcome.
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A few more:




Again, all but the last are lit with a single 130x15 strip. The last is lit with two 130x50 soft boxes.
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All excellent photos. Could have come out of a Mercedes Brochure. (y)
Very nice those. Are they studio shots?

The interior shot hides too much detail in the blacks imo

Besides that the orange peel of the paintwork would be better cleaned up, though I'm not sure how you'd do that easily.

Nice work
Thanks Phil.

No, they were shot on my driveway but no ambient contributed to the exposures.

Agreed about the orange peel, especially on #3 to the upper left of the "6".

I'm sure I'll be doing more interior shots, so I'll try some with a fill too. Thanks for the comment.