Critique Calder Water, North Lanarkshire.

I'm struggling to find something useful to say about them, and from the lack of comments maybe others are too. The thing they lack most is a point of interest, largely due to composition, and they both look a little over-exposed, especially the top image and although muted colours look natural and can be nice, in these they just look a bit dull. There's also some odd blurring going on, with parts of each image sharp and other parts blurred, but not caused by focusing or depth of field. You've got the motion blur of the water well, and it creates interest with the way that it sits alongside the sharp ice fragments, but it's not enough.

Hope that's useful.
Hi Colin, What you needed was a herd of Wildebeest splashing majestically through the water. Unfortunately you missed them a few minutes before :). I thought the first one looked really good under the circumstances apart from the slight over exposure which you could easily correct. Nice one!