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I have read every bag thread I can find and I have googled bag reviews.

A few years ago I bought a Lowepro Slingshot 200 AW to carry my non gripped 350D, my kit lens and my accessories. My kit grew but I never changed the bag as I didn't particularly need to carry everything with me. I was offered a Tamrac Expedition 7 at a bargain price which I bought primarily for storage - I didn't like my kit being on display never mind my three inquisitive children poking at things!

I want a bag somewhere in between the two. I still want to keep the Tamrac for storage - I can't carry it with all my equipment and I rarely need everything with me. I will probably sell the slingshot.

I want to carry my 7D with 70-200 f2.8 and my gripped 50D with 17-55 f2.8, memory cards and spare batteries. Occasionally I might have the flashgun and another lens. I want a bag big enough to hold everything comfortably but not break my back carrying it. I am currently reading Lowepro Fastpack reviews as they are on offer!

Any advice?
Lowepro Computrekker? I use mine with following:

7D and Sigma 100-300 f/4 EX
50D body only
2 flashguns
with room for an extra lens or TC.

With reshuffling you could probably get both bodies with lenses on.
There is no such thing as the perfect bag, at any price.

This one might appeal to you though. Suits your outfit perfectly, and I like the style and design. I've seen one, and will probably get one to add to the collection, but it's not available for a month or so yet. The production version has a slightly redesigned interior with a fitted camera cradle option (y) I asked about matching shoes - nothing planned.

ThinkTank Retrospective - a bit over £100 I think, in three sizes
Lowepro Computrekker?

I have one of these but I don't actually like it and would happily swap it for something else! The computer section does not close with a 17" macbook pro in it which is a shame for me BUT the big problem is that you have to take it off completely stick it on the ground and completely unzip it to get anything out. This is a right pain for me. Also it is not deep enough for a gripped body/D3 etc. It is not a bad bag but is not really ideal as a general bag.
I bought a Lowepro Stealth Reporter D400 AW recently, can store 2 cams with lenses attached (including 70-200), as well as an assortment of other gear.

I dont find it heavy when i have 2 bodies with 2 lenses, 2 flashguns and 3kit lenses (dont ask),and assortment of other random stuff i have but might be a bit big for what you want, so have a look at the 200/300 one instead.
I should have said I don't want anything that needs to be set on the ground for access ... one time I had a 7dayshop special bag, set it the ground, took my camera out, stood up and took the photo, and then wandered off...:bonk: Thankfully it was still there 15 minutes later but the incident prompted me to buy the slingshot bag.

Will read up some more using all of your recommendations...:)

Check this place out, then google around for a price on the bag you think is suitable. The quality is superb. I have one for out and about (Dc-445) but they do a range of rucksacks too.

I have the FASTPACK 350 (mostly because of the laptop TBH) and its great for carting all you kit for holiday/away day. Then repacking the odd bits to something easier to carry.

Possible Alt to the Lowepro Rucksacks
I like the Computrekker, but agree that you have to take it off to get at the stuff inside, but that is true of many of the backpacks. Mine took a gripped 50D easily, and I only need to half unzip it to get the camera out.

I'm sure if you sold it it would get snapped up quickly.
I have decided that I will pop into a local Jessops in the next couple of days to see/hold the recommended lowepro bags - liking the look of the flipside 400 and the computrekker. I know that they will hold my kit but I just want to see how big they look - I can't guage that from photos online. I haven't checked Jessops prices but I reckon I will be buying from amazon or another online seller (who doesn't think NI is on the moon when it comes to postage!! :cautious: )
I have decided that I will pop into a local Jessops in the next couple of days to see/hold the recommended lowepro bags - liking the look of the flipside 400 and the computrekker. I know that they will hold my kit but I just want to see how big they look - I can't guage that from photos online. I haven't checked Jessops prices but I reckon I will be buying from amazon or another online seller (who doesn't think NI is on the moon when it comes to postage!! :cautious: )

Check before you go, they don't stock that many bags ;)
i used to own a fastpack and they were nice bags except there target market are very niche, its more of a holiday/travel bag as you can rome around europe or wherever and have all your gear with you in one bag. i have a micro trekker at the moment but im very tempted at a mini trekker or computrekker.
Ive just got a lowepro flipside 400aw and its great well chuffed and warehouseexpress have got half price on lowepro at moment which makes it a bargain
Lowepro Flipside 400AW Backpack ordered from Amazon - only online provider not ripping me off with postage charges! :) Fingers crossed it does what I want ... :cool:
I use Lowe-Pro bags and inparticular the AW range...though it's just to keep the dust off and keep everything tidy when it's in the car. Soon as I get to where I'm taking photos all the kit comes out, leaving just the flashes and cleaning kit, spare batteries etc behind. All the stuff I'll actually be using is in my pockets.
Will the lowepro 400 be small enough for carryon luggage on a plane? thinking of getting it myself
I went into Warehouse Express last Sat and bought a lowepro Vertex 100AW to replace my lowepro Fastpack 100, it's a big square bag that takes my D300 with fixed on 150-500, 70-200 and room for 2/3 more short lenses. bloody heavy :puke: ...but not too bad really, also has a laptop pocket and a tripod support, loads of front pockets.
Bag arrived. Packed in my 7D with 70-200 f2.8 attached, 50D with battery grip attached, nifty fifty and 17-55 f2.8. Can't see a way of putting two cameras with lenses attached in (yet). Memory cards and flashgun also in bag. Bag doesn't feel too heavy but I would need to test it out by walking around for the day.

Asked my kids to sneak an item out of the bag while I was wearing it to see if anyone could pickpocket me without telling them how the bag actually works. They gave up eventually :D

I swung it around easily and was able to access everything. Again I will need to test this out properly when I am out and about.

So far so good... (y)