Camera Purchase Dilemma...

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Hi everyone, looking at purchasing a new camera and would be great to get some feedback from you guys.
My current kit it a Nikon 5100, tokina wide angle lens and a 35mm prime.I'm ready to upgrade and have been thinking about various options.1. Upgrade to a full frame and look at purchasing a 6d
2. Consider buying a smaller mirror less camera with prime - Sony NEX5 possibly.
3. Keep my lens and purchase a Nikon 7100 for the extra resolution, better image quality and HD video4. Purchase a new lens
My budget is essentially under a thousand pound, but could stretch to more if needed, ie full frame.Be interested to hear peoples thoughts! Thanks in advance. Chris
What do you want to do that you can't do with your D5100? - full-frame isn't an upgrade for everyone, and you then throw the NEX5 into the mix which is another APS-C body. Switching to the 6D would be a complete change of system, so you'll need lenses as well as body. Pretty much blowing your budget even when you factor in any cash you get back on selling the D5100. What are your priorities? - full frame, video? something else?

Lots of questions, but I think you need to start by looking at why you want a new camera first. Then go fishing for the fanboy comments that you'll get from a question like this ;)
Ha, true... Resolution is a big thing for myself, cropping into areas etc and printing larger prints.

Cheers for the feedback.
If you're cropping a lot why is your longest lens only 35mm? And how big do you want to print - a metre wide or something?
Sounds like GAS
The D5100 is a great camera I've printed 30x20" from one, I think maybe stick with it awhile and add lenses, you won't really get a FF under £1k and even if you did you would have to spend on lenses
Maybe the D7000 as it will take lenses without motors, I'm not sure the extra cost of the D7100 is worth it, Just MHO

Ps I had a D600 but after it packed up on me and went back to Nikon for repair, I then sold it, I now only use the D7000 I think it's just as good as the D600, better in some ways
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I started with a D90 but i didnt like the bulk so i went to a sony nex5n with an 18-200 lens and i hated it it hardly came out and i only took pictures when I had to :(
I have now sold my nex5n and bought a d7000 which i love .
Make sure you are really sure about going for a smaller mirrorless camera before you take the step
You really need to decide what you want out of the new camera. What is it that you usually photograph? Why are you cropping so much?
lenses lenses lenses. Have a look at 500px or flickr for images taken with a D5100 and you'll see the camera is more than capable, buy quality lenses first and upgrade the camera body when it starts to hold you back. If you just fancy a new toy then thats another matter.
lenses lenses lenses. Have a look at 500px or flickr for images taken with a D5100 and you'll see the camera is more than capable, buy quality lenses first and upgrade the camera body when it starts to hold you back. If you just fancy a new toy then thats another matter.

What Phil says ^^^^^
Its up to you - but to spend a wad of money :D

I'd perhaps look at hiring over several weekends different cameras, try them on walks, shooting indoors and out and at night. See which is the easiest to use and fits your hand, weight etc...

Then save a bit and get one of those (or look used).

As you have a nikon, I'd look at a used d700 (ff) but you probably won't be able to use the tokina with it, or a d300. But I'd get to a used store first and handle the bodies (as many as they have above your camera) to see weights and sizes.

It also depends on what you are taking pictures of the most... as you can see from the siggy I have those two (or two similar) lenses. It may be more worth investing in a sharper, faster lens than upgrading. Feel free to browse my flickr pics (I have sets for the lenses with most of the pics in the right places).

I didn't like the focal points on the d7k (d7100 the same) and d600, as the d300 had 51 points all over (almost). The newer d7k/d600 were (to me) too central.

