Cameras/photos at ATP tournament @ the O2?

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Hi guys,

Anyone knows if cameras/photography are allowed at the ATP tournament at the O2?

I'm going tomorrow for the semi-finals, but not sure whether I should risk bringing my camera or not.

Almost certainly a DSLR won't be allowed. Fairly standard for O2.

You should have seen the hassle my colleagues had with security there this year even as signed on media... so expect the worst!

Just enjoy your tennis game thing.
Ok! Thanks for the response. I won't be bringing my camera then. :)
my friend brought his 5dmark2 into the competition and shot a lot of pictures seemed like no one had stopped him....
FYI, anyone who might stumble upon this thread in the future.

They do allow cameras, just no flash photography during game play.
Further info: there is a sign on the door saying "no videos or professional cameras".

I went in (not having noticed the sign in fact) and got held up at the bag search. The first man to see my Canon SX20 didn't know if it was permitted and asked me to go to another desk. I was able to take it in, but I got the impression that it was on the borderline.

I would be flattered if they thought it was nearly a "professional camera", but actually he seemed more interested in whether it took movies. (I don't quite understand how any camera gets in if this is a concern - don't they all take some sort of mpeg nowadays?)

Once in I was able to get some passable shots, but really the light was too poor - I had to go to the ISO 800 setting in order to get close-ups.

Tim S.