Camouflage for white lenses


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other than buying a proper custom made covers (from where?)

how does everyone go about making their own?

cheers for any tips/cutting sheets :D

Definately recommend Lens Coat products available at warehouse express. A bit costly but very well made and good quality :)
IMO.....lenscoats are expensive and shoddy.Though neoprene is a bugger to stitch by all accounts.

Wildlife watching supplies sell some decent gear,at a price.

Or get creative,buy some old gortex camo pants and overshirts down the Surplus Supply store and do some sewing........(y)
Big Will like it, but it only shows custom made products. I am in a similar position to buckas as I thinks most the products are over priced. I think I will follow fracster's advise and go down an army surplus store
Big Will like it, but it only shows custom made products. I am in a similar position to buckas as I thinks most the products are over priced. I think I will follow fracster's advise and go down an army surplus store

Works for me..............(y)

I use a 'Buff' for when I am out in colder times, however it also serves as a nice sock for my 400mm F5.6L when I want to camo it.

Check HERE if you want a look at the one I use, I just stick a couple of rubber bands ( carelessly donated by our local neighbourhood postie ) over the ends, ok it's not water proof but it covers it nicely and if it gets a bit chilly I just use it round my neck or on me head instead (y)

I've got a Wildlife Watching Supplies cover on my 500/4 and prefer it to the Lenscoat I used to have.

But, for a cheapie solution, camo tape is the way to go...
bit of an out there answer but what about kids camouflage trousers.... cut the leg off (the trousers not the kid!) would the lens slide inside???
I went to a fabric shop and bought some camouflage material, few hours later my lens was camo'd up for the grand price of £1.50. Trousers my work as I have used a waterproof jacket to make a waterproof cover for my lens.
IMO.....lenscoats are expensive and shoddy.Though neoprene is a bugger to stitch by all accounts.

Wildlife watching supplies sell some decent gear,at a price.

:plus1: Wildlife Watching supplies are cracking products, I've used them and will certainly use them again.
I'd want to coat with all black so it looks more like "normal" lens and dont attract much attention :D