Can anybody help answer these questions?

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:wave: I've been asked to find out some photography questions for an interview and I'm having trouble with these few questions :thinking:. I quite new to photography and would really be very grateful if anybody could help.

Which of these apertures provides the greatest depth of field?
1) f/2.8
2) f/8
3) f/22
4) f/5.6

The light sensitive chemical in most photographic emulsion is based upon:
1) gold
2) silver
3) iron
4) hydrogen

Which of the follwing pairs of shutter and aperture cominations will both give the same actual exposure?
1) 1/250s f/8 & 1/500s f/11
2) 1/250s f/8 & 1/125s f/11
3) 1/250s f/8 & 1/125s f/22
4) 1/250s f/8 & 1/60s f/11

Which of these file formats gives the highest compression of digital data?
1) tiff
2) psd
3) jpeg
4) raw(or dng)

If a lens is marked "17-55mm 1:4-5.6" what does the "1.4-5.6" mean?
1) aperture varies with zoom
2) closest focus varies with zoom
3) focal length varies with zoom
4) magnification varies with zoom

Thank you :)
The answer to the 3rd is 1 and 2.
apart from that, I agree with the above.
:wave: I've been asked to find out some photography questions for an interview and I'm having trouble with these few questions :thinking:. I quite new to photography and would really be very grateful if anybody could help.

Which of these apertures provides the greatest depth of field?
1) f/2.8
2) f/8
3) f/22
4) f/5.6

The light sensitive chemical in most photographic emulsion is based upon:
1) gold
2) silver
3) iron
4) hydrogen

Which of the follwing pairs of shutter and aperture cominations will both give the same actual exposure?
1) 1/250s f/8 & 1/500s f/11
2) 1/250s f/8 & 1/125s f/11
3) 1/250s f/8 & 1/125s f/22
4) 1/250s f/8 & 1/60s f/11

Which of these file formats gives the highest compression of digital data?
1) tiff
2) psd
3) jpeg
4) raw(or dng)

If a lens is marked "17-55mm 1:4-5.6" what does the "1.4-5.6" mean?
1) aperture varies with zoom
2) closest focus varies with zoom
3) focal length varies with zoom
4) magnification varies with zoom

Thank you :)

Going for a manager's job at Jessops? :naughty::LOL:
Answer to number 3 is 2.
Reason for it is that when you move one stop down f11 -> f8 the speed halves
therefore 1/250 sec @ f8 is the same as 1/125sec @ f11

f16 @ 1/60
f22 @ 1/30

EDIT: had it backwards sorry
The answer to 3 is 2:)
Yes sorry the answer to 3 is 2.
I read it as 500/11 and 250/8, so ignore me saying that option 1 was also correct, it's not.
These questions are for an interview? As in a job interview? Call me a cynic, but they sound much more like homework to me.

But if it really is a job interview, then I'd suggest you find some way of withdrawing your application gracefully. With all due respect, this really is quite basic stuff. If the job needs you to know this sort of thing, the fact that you've swotted up the answers to five specific questions won't help you. What happens when you get asked a question that wasn't on your crib sheet?

PS The answers are 3, 2, 2, 3, and none of the above. "1:4-5.6" means that the maximum aperture varies with zoom.
Booo! Hissssss! I had to do my own homework when I was at school!

EDIT: beaten to it StewartR. I agree exactly with what he said - if this is an job interview then you're just wasting the employer's time. Heaven help them if they give you the job.

If you ask blatant homework questions on computer programming forums you get told right away where to get of.
hmm, as a newbie to all this DSLR malarky, quite impressed I got 5 out of 5.........

Why though don't "f's" go in some sort of logical sequence - even Fibronacci numbers I can cope with --- but 8 is half of 11?.......!!!!!!

That may well be the dumbest question ever asked, and yes I understand the relationship between aperture / shutter speed / DOF -- but just don't get why f's go in the order they do...........

sorry..... (would now put in the sad faced emoticon) but seem to have lost them all somewhere...........
hmm, as a newbie to all this DSLR malarky, quite impressed I got 5 out of 5.........

Why though don't "f's" go in some sort of logical sequence - even Fibronacci numbers I can cope with --- but 8 is half of 11?.......!!!!!!

That may well be the dumbest question ever asked, and yes I understand the relationship between aperture / shutter speed / DOF -- but just don't get why f's go in the order they do...........

sorry..... (would now put in the sad faced emoticon) but seem to have lost them all somewhere...........

If they made it too easy Jessops would have only managers in their stores and no staff !
hmm, as a newbie to all this DSLR malarky, quite impressed I got 5 out of 5.........

Why though don't "f's" go in some sort of logical sequence - even Fibronacci numbers I can cope with --- but 8 is half of 11?.......!!!!!!

That may well be the dumbest question ever asked, and yes I understand the relationship between aperture / shutter speed / DOF -- but just don't get why f's go in the order they do...........

sorry..... (would now put in the sad faced emoticon) but seem to have lost them all somewhere...........

In order to double the light passing through the lens per unit time you need to double the area that light can pass through.

Given the the area of a circle is Pi*radius^2 (Pi-r-squared) to double the area you need to increase the radius by a factor of 1.4 (the square root of two rounded to a convenient figure).

So full stop increments of the f-scale would be 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4,5.6, 8, 11.2, 16, 22, 32
The questions were for an interview for a sixth form course I was given a few questions to answer and sorry but I don't know the answers. I just wanted some help so thank you to the people who did help.
It kind of gives the game away when you habe in your profile 'student'

Trouble is Louise when your teacher uses 'socratic' questioning to test the level of Knowledge you may look just a little silly in class.