Can anyone recommend a good Micro 4/3 (or similar)?

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I have a Canon 40D which I love, and an assortment of lenses.

However, my husband and other family members font share my love of photography and whenever we go out for family days, any pictures they take (e.g. of my son and I) end up being ... shall we say ... unusable! ;)

I really need a good compact camera, which produces decent shots, has a bit of flexibility with lenses and is idiot / husband proof! :D

I know a couple of friends have a Panasonic Lumix and they like it. Any thoughts on that, or something similar?

Budget is probably around £300 ish, but is flexible, and I'm quite happy to look at second hand ones if there are any on here, as I've pretty much got all my equipment from here up 'til now :)

Thanks in advance.
Quite a few in your budget.

Have a look at Panasonic GF-1 GF -2 or 3,

The GF-3 very easy to use,and you can get it new within your budget.

Also you should find some Sony Nex range s/h within your budget :)
Not sure how putting an SLR into auto mode and using a compact is going to differ (other than the SLR will get better results)
The SLR I use (Sony A700) gives great results in Auto mode and could not be more point and shoot if it tried.

Not just looking for an excuse to make a purchase are you? :)
Nikon J1 from digital rev on here. £269 delivered :D Smaller sensor than 4/3rd but one of the most advanced autofocus systems ever made.
Thanks all!

Not just looking for an excuse to make a purchase are you? :)


Maybe just a little bit ;) But it would also be nice to have a smaller, more portable camera for days out. TBH I don't fully trust my clumsy husband with my pride and joy :LOL:
You need to decide whether you want a point and shoot or a mini-dslr. You can pick up a used G3/14-42 for around £300 on here. I've been very impressed with the picture quality of mine (compared to a 5D2 with L glass no less). It's not quite as good, but it does an awfully passable imitation. Small enough to be unobtrusive, just about cheap enough to not worry too much and enough photographer features that you can be creative with it.