Can of worms: 40D or D200?

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Wasn't sure if this should be posted :LOL:, but I've noticed that the D200 is about the same price as a 40D, was only considering the 40D originally, but **** it, I'll have a gander at Nikon too. Still haven't got round to replacing the A300.

Had a bit of a fiddle with both in a wee photographer warehouse place, and I can't say I'm overly bothered with the handling either way, the Nikon "feels" like it would have a better chance of knocking someone out, should you hit them on the head with it, but that's not really a selling point is it? :LOL:

I still need to check the prices of a couple of other bits and bobs that I want to order first, and if there's a vast difference in the total price of what I'm after I'll probably go with the cheaper, unless there's some vital thing missing from one or other of the Body's.

In terms of body only therefore, which one?
Both cameras have similar ish specs, so not much to choose there, if you have one or the other make now it probable makes more sense to stay with that. If not try both and see what feels best in your hand. As a user of both Canon and Nikon, I'd say from personal experience Nikon tend to be easier to use, Canon have lots of things in menus, or you have to hold down a button while rotating something, Nikon are more intuitve and better laid out (my opinion) Wayne
I've just been in exactly the same situation you are in!!!
I've sold my a300 for either a 40D or D200. :D

I went for the D200.
My heart was saying D200, and my head was saying 40D.
So for a change, I went with the heart!!!

The other reason was that I've used a Canon and Nikon before, and the Nikon seemed to produce better quality shots without having to PP every shot.
That's important to me, as I don't get much spare time to PP.

I've handled both, and the Nikon felt very right to hold.

My plan was to go 40D and save for a nice L lens, but I'm sure Nikon do a lens just as nice as an L!!!
Damn, I've just priced up the bits an pieces I want and there is only £15 difference between the total "package" price for Canon and Nikon, which rules out that avenue of easy escape for my decision.

Any suggestions, as to what I should do to make my mind up?
Any suggestions, as to what I should do to make my mind up?

It sounds to me like this this isn't really about the bodies. If you're not happy with your A300 there are other better bodies in the Sony range. So I don't think you should focus too muc on the 40D vs D200 issue, and look more widely at the Canon system vs Nikon system.

Which system do you find more intuitive? For Wayne previously it's Nikon; for me (I have a 350D and a D70) it's Canon by a mile. It's a very personal thing though.

Which system has the better range of lenses which will do what you want at prices you're prepared to pay?
Which system do you find more intuitive? For Wayne previously it's Nikon; for me (I have a 350D and a D70) it's Canon by a mile. It's a very personal thing though.

Which system has the better range of lenses which will do what you want at prices you're prepared to pay?

I didn't really feel any great "ooh that's handy" towards eithers methods of control. They're just "different", but I didn't feel any particular emphasis towards either during my brief fiddle.

Just occurred to me: Is the 40D weather sealed?

Now to lenses then, I don't really have a great idea of what I need, if you know what I mean? There's far too many for me to know what's good and what isn't.

I like trying to do landscapes, so I reckon I'll be wanting a 24mm or wider, as I've already found myself not quite being able to squeeze what I want in. A 300mm zoom would be on my list of things to get to. throw in a fast 50mm to, and i'll be happy.

Portrait wise, I don't see myself bothering too much with that, I'll be wanting to pick up a portrait lens for when the family is round, but nothing more taxing than that. Incidentaly what is a decent portrait lens?

Sports. Yawn, doesn't interest me in the slightest, so I can rule that out. Same with Macro, a bit too abstract for my liking.

Is there anything I'd want for taking night shots? I'm a bit of an insomniac, so I do find myself going for a drive at odd hours of the night/early morning, was never able to get a decent shot though. I'll need a flash, definitely.

Its not a big ask really, and I would have thought both systems would be capable of it.