'Can you find me a cheap price' Challenge!!

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Hey folks, There is a jug the mrs wants (odd, i know!) that she saw at a De Vere hotel. The manager (yes she asked) said he got them from a supplier for a tenner!

After doing some googling I have found it / similar one made by LSA. We have LSA glasses of a different design and they are good, but I don't fancy paying £19.99 to £25 quid on a jug if I don't have to. Especially considering I'm not personally fussed or fascinated by it!!!!

Soooo I was wondering if you lovely (bored / clever) people can help me find it cheaper, or an equivilant one from somewhere?

The jug in question looks like this:

The LSA one is called Ono!

Any help would be wicked! Thanks

I've had a bit of a look, it seems difficult to find for less than £20... Have to go out now but as soon as I get back I'll have a look... Determined now ;)
Haha! Yeah I think your right! It probably isn't possible! Don't waste your life on it i'll get her to pay for it! :naughty:

Thanks anyway! :)
Well, I looked some more but can't find anything cheaper. I'm guessing you're either looking at the wrong jug or the hotel got a discount because they were buying in bulk. :/
Well, I looked some more but can't find anything cheaper. I'm guessing you're either looking at the wrong jug or the hotel got a discount because they were buying in bulk. :/

not just buying in bulk but buying from an only supplier I would think.. same thing with us and our catering equipment because we use just the one supplier its loads cheaper, alot of the time we can save a good 50% on places such as Makro/Bookers..

@ OP I checked our suppliers list for you and they dont do LSA stuff.
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Thank you very much to all of your efforts. I have a feeling that bulk / sole supplier is probably the key to this!

Thaaaaaaaaaanks! :ty::beer: