Canada Goose

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Is it rubbish I think a major crop would be an improovement.

Is it rubbish I think a major crop would be an improovement.

It is not rubbish, but had you panned to the right and got more of the flock in, with the main bird framed to the left it would have made a better image, from a composition point of view, (there seems to be too much dead space to the left).

You may be able to crop out some of that dead space, but if you do, try and keep as many of the background birds as possible.
Is it rubbish I think a major crop would be an improovement.

It's not rubbish.
I agree with Martyn.
Sometimes the rules need to be broken, i.e. the subject shouldn't look out of the frame but in this case.
If you crop 25% off the left and 10% off the bottom it looks much better IMO.