Cannondale Jekyll - Mountain Bike Video edit

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Hi there,
Just working on a video edit for a friend of mine and lookng for some feedback before I send it out.

The riding clips were all taken over at Swinley woods using either my Canon 7D for the static shots or my Go Pro HD. The clips at the start were shot in my garage under my studio lights.

Editing the footage together I used Final Cut Pro X, it was the first time using this software so a bit of a steep learning curve.

Overall I am happy with the edit so far but would like any C&C.

Great job on the editing. Whats the aim of the video? promotion, review?

Nice bike as well. :)
Hi there,
Cheers for the feedback. I screwed up on the inside shots, not knowing that studio lights would cause the strobing effect. Did my best to cover up that error by using the static transitions between shots.........

The vid will be used by Aidan for him to forward onto his sponsors. For me it's a chance to get out with my mates and get on the bike however carrying camera gear on a bike is a ball ache!

Cheers for the feedback, been enjoying watchig your edits as well as checking out your images. Got to say you have had the oportunity to shoot some awesome riding! Any suggestions on how to avoid the flicker scenario again on the indoor shots?

Enjoyed watching and liked your edits,
Is there any advice you could give using recording on a 7d?
(Feel free to pm if you wish to keep it off the thread)
Lovely video Peter,

Really shows the flowy nature of the trails at Swinley and shows off your rider's smooth and fast style. Music fits nicely too.(y)

Rode virtually every trail on your video today on a beautiful sunny Thursday.:love:
Cheers for the feedback and positive comments.

I have just finished the edit (i think.......) Now waiting for the file to export, which might take some time.

Wildsam, I will drop you a pm with the settings that I have used.

Nessiemac, lucky you getting to head out on Thursday, bet the trails were empty, fast and dry.......perfect. Let me know what bike you ride and chance are we will bump into each other.

Looks like the weather is going to be good this weekend so tempted to get an early spin in either tomorrow or Sunday morning, good times.

Cheers for the feedback and positive comments.

I have just finished the edit (i think.......) Now waiting for the file to export, which might take some time.

Wildsam, I will drop you a pm with the settings that I have used.

Nessiemac, lucky you getting to head out on Thursday, bet the trails were empty, fast and dry.......perfect. Let me know what bike you ride and chance are we will bump into each other.

Looks like the weather is going to be good this weekend so tempted to get an early spin in either tomorrow or Sunday morning, good times.


Looking forward to the final edit Pete!:)

The trails were dry and empty,not sure about the fast bit though!! I'm either on an old green Santa Cruz Chameleon with Pikes or a white Santa Cruz Bullit built for abuse with a large balding Scotsman huffing away on top!!:LOL:
So here we go after lots of trial and error I am pretty happy with the final edit. I have learnt a lot over the last week regarding post production and editing. Having not used Final cut Pro x or Live Type this week has seen a lot of trial and error, head scratching and bodging.

Looking forward to the next time I head out with the camera there are a couple of things I would change.

Learn more about camera settings on video, I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface so far!

Try to make a different style of edit rather than a rider riding a complete trail

Put more RAM in my MAC (2 x 4GB Ram on route!)

Get the cable cam out again and on a longer run.

Have an strong idea about what I want the edit to be before even packing the bags

and finally head to somewhere other than Swinley to film.

As for actually getting out on the bike I snuck in an hour long spin round Swinley this evening in the gorgeous late afternoon sunlight, perfect. oh and I will keep an eye out for either of the Santa Cruz's when i'm over there (I ride a white Marin Wolfridge with pikes).

Roll on summer!!

Very nice, but concur with comments made. I've absolutely no experience with video, so take this with a pinch of salt. I just thought more 'coming towards you' shots might have made it more interesting - most of the scenes are of his back. I liked the panning scenes and the nice dof with the tree in the foreground. I also found the head-cam bit a bit sick-making, not being very good with motion like that. I stopped watching at that point.
Great stuff, though. Well done.