canon 1 dx autofocus questions

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Yes just getting to grips with the new autofocus on the 1dx.

im finding its not snapping in as much as id like and expect
on fast moving subjects id use av.f2.8 to f4 ..alservo...rapid fire with raw setting.....level 3 on the canon ef 500 panning stabiliser setting ..and generally have found with birds/sports action that the full 64 focus is better than say useing the 4-6 box... but still not quite there.. any hints where im going wrong plse?..ive tried with tv.but find av better??

also ..general shots of say autumn woods/ again just set on the 64 focal point..not always snapping in

portrait id use the 4-6 box ..maco 1 dot.

this is me getting used to the camera...any advise where im going wrong would be very appreciated


mike :bonk:
Hasn't the 1dx got built in scenarios which give you optimised AF settings for each situation? From what I've read the af has a lot of settings so I don't think its going to perform at its best if you just stick in 64 point or 4 point
It may be worth reading through the DLC document here, Mike (download the .pdf from the lower left of the page)
