Canon 1000d with Lens - £282.50

HTH = Hope This Helps

You'll find lots of acronyms on here

Lmao - Laughed my ass off
LOL - Laugh out Load
FUBAR - ****** up beyond all recognition

Thanks Lawrie

Hi there,

I'm new to this forum and I've been looking at this camera for a few months. Went to order this as it seemed to good to be true so emailed customer services.

It is listed wrong on the site. It does not contain the kit lens and is body only. They are going to correct the listing ASAP.

Hope this helps

Welll spotted about the mistake, but I would have ordered and then complained after keeping a screenshot - Trades descriptions act and they would have sorted it out and given you the lenses as well.

Not that it is in stock....
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Not true, I ordered mine from amazon and my boss ordered his at the same time, both arrived with 18-55mm IS non USM lens kit. Only difference was I paid 320 he paid 282 quid.
Can scan in the receipt tomorrow if needed for proof for anyone wanting to order one.

Oh, first post so Hi everyone!
They must be ordering in new stock at a higher price now, its amazing how much the prices are fluctuating at the moment. I was looking for a 50 inch LCD a fortnight ago, the LG model I was after was £799 and on the night I went to buy it, I checked the website to see if the order and collect price was cheaper and it had risen to £870 or so. I went up anyway and couldnt believe it had just risen by 70 plus quid and when I enquired why, I was told it was because the screens were all sold and they were waiting on another 200 at the end of the week and the supplier had hiked the prices. Damn this weak pound!