Canon 1D111 camera? odd crop

wayne clarke
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I came across a used Canon 1d3 dirt cheap the other day, and thought about buying it for a play about. Then I remembered it had a 1x3 crop factor. That got me thinking where are the lens for it? I know it'll use the normal EF but Canons other crop cameras had a series of lens designed for them EFS but I dont remember any special lens for the 1x3 crop,
What was the reasoning behind this series of cameras,? I know they were mostly used by sports photographers, But I'm not sure I see the logic of a "new" different crop factor.
Anybody know, I'm courious. And are they still any good? I'm still te,pted to grab it.
I have long had a bit of a soft spot for older 1 series bodies. I started with a 1Ds ii, then (and now) a 1Ds iii. As you probably know these both have full frame sensors. I find them to be truly excellent workhorses, and I use them for most of my photography apart from the "strolling around and taking the odd snap of the family" sort of thing.

Now the 3/4 frame sensors of the 1D series (i.e. not the S suffix) long confused me, and rather put me off, so I have never owned one, I imagine in real life you might never even think about it. There were no special lenses, just the normal EF series.

I always found The Digital Picture reviews to be interesting and helpful (here is a link to the camera you are thinking of --> I just skimmed that review, and the sensor size does not seem to get a mention.

Good luck!
The original 1D series did not have any special lens for it they all used EF lens.

I bought a 1D a couple of years ago and use EF lens on it because it is a full frame mount, and it is great bit of kit I love using it.

Think the reason for it was because they used their last film body EOS1 -V HS (I think) basically ripped the film stuff out and stuck a sensor in it, If you look in to the lens mount and up you can see they have stuck some basically very black lines on the prism to account for the 1.3x crop.

I think it was a little while later that they settled on the 1.6x crop and then the EF-S lens came out.
Sports or some low format studio portrait (think passport) only.

I unfortunately had one back in the day. 10mp was really pathetic resolution for what I did. I really regret not shooting everything on 1ds2. Iq and af were similar, but resolution was not
1div would be just about acceptable as a spare extreme environment camera, but then you can get much better with 1ds3 or even 5d3 all pretty cheap now.
In all honesty 5d3 is definitely the most capable of the bunch other than fps
I think the original 1D came out before there were full frame DSLRs available.

I had a 1Dmk2 for a few years, and I took some of my favourite images on that camera, often paired with the 50mm f1.4. It also worked well with the 17-40f4L, which I found too wide on full frame, and the 70-200 f2.8.

As I had Flickr open, here is one of my favourite shots:

Metal giraffes at sunset by Lewis Craik, on Flickr
I loved my 1D3 bodies think I had 4 total over the years every time I sold one I missed it and bought another the 1D4 was slightly better but compared to todays offerings there heavy old lumps