canon 28 - 135 upgrading lens


On the hit list !!!
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so for a while now i have been hoping to upgrade this lens but what to im after something that is better than this lens what would you choose im looking to keep within the same sort of lens range i would love a L lens to replace it with but at £900 for a 24 -135 i think it is

it is out of my price range i can push up to the £350 inc the price of the sale of the lens ( £190 ish for the lens ) maybe a bit more mark and dont mind used lenses either
The 28-135 you have is one of the better non-L lenses - see SLRGear.
You may have to rethink your budget to get a better lens in those focal lengths.

If you want a longer lens to complement your existing lens then I'd look no further than the 70-300. Slightly above your budget (£300-£400) but a real bargain for the image quality.
im currently have a 75 - 300 usm lens and it just doenst come out of the bag often enough i persume it is a similar lens by the looks of it the only diffrence would be the IS side of things and the obvious 70 mm instead of the 75 mm dont get me wrong i love the 28-135 lens but would like to upgrade it to the next step up so is it the l lens is the next step or do sigma do a upgrade it is wither that or a 70 -200 f4 lens

What are you hoping to get from the new lens - a different focal length, greater range etc :shrug: this may help with advice.

The 70-200 F4 L is a cracker and around £380 - £400 second hand, but doesn't have IS and starts at 70mm rather than 28mm. As you say the 24-105L is a similar focal length, but these appear to £650 + second hand.

The 70-300 IS lens is a good one, but again, you loose the wider side, but gain much more in length - should be around your budget (y)
cheers for the info them main reason is im not using the longer end of the lenses so dont see point in spending money on the 70 -300 i think it would just sit in the bag im still half and halfover the 70 -200 f4 as i think it would still be too long for what i like doing im mainly closer stuff buildings,hopefully a bit of studio soon so i after a lower f number to help with low light situations for one and poss more of a wider angle lens

hope this helps
The 28-135mm IS USM is actually a very decent, and underrated, piece of glass.

There are alternatives: various 24-70mm 2.8 lenses, or the 24-105mm L you mentioned, but if your budget is capped at £350 AFTER selling the lens, then you can just about stretch to.... a new 28-135mm IS USM.

Horses for courses, but I'd say such an upgrade would be a false economy and a bit of a non-starter.
perhaps a prime would be a nice compliment, the 85mm f1.8 for example.